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  Click here to go to the first staff post in this thread.   Thread: [Official] Top Eleven 2020 - December 4th

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Tactician View Post
    But they told something big for the 4th? The only thing big here so far today are mehs - big mehs.
    Well, the fact the the most anticipated youth academy update has not been here yet, my hopes are increasing for a possible youth team as Nik described here:
    UnderAlexSkin likes this.

  2. #82
    Quote Originally Posted by maloukees View Post
    Looks like a 3D game engine.. cool...

    You saw already something from the youth academy??
    Did they do that, wow.

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  3. #83
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Max McClean View Post
    Did they do that, wow.

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    No, they did not.

  4. #84
    Champion SuperDunk's Avatar
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    Aug 2014
    So nothing changed. What a surprise... Hopefully they did something and it didn t showed up...

  5. #85
    Famous Der_Ryan_M's Avatar
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    Oct 2013
    Guys don't you know how Updates work? They need to take Down the Servers to implement the new things. With the update yesterday they just Made it possible for you on your Device that you can Play the game After the update.

    And with TE we always had Updates around 10-11 am european time in the past, so I Think we will get server downtime in an hour or so and After that can see the changes.
    nikolgiorgos likes this.

  6. #86
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    I do not undersand this perpetual delays when a company says someting like: big thing is coming on december 4!! It was 3 weeks ago and we are the 4th of december. And ? Nothing! We have to wait for another 6 days to discover another token trap. What is the point in frustrating people like this ? I am still recovering from the "token refund" scam from last week. And now this! Make sure I am not going to buy any token from you people. Not as long as you show so little respect to your customers with infuriating things like this (perfectly named!) black friday sh..!!
    lespa likes this.

  7. #87
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by gizzmo View Post
    I do not undersand this perpetual delays when a company says someting like: big thing is coming on december 4!! It was 3 weeks ago and we are the 4th of december. And ? Nothing! We have to wait for another 6 days to discover another token trap. What is the point in frustrating people like this ? I am still recovering from the "token refund" scam from last week. And now this! Make sure I am not going to buy any token from you people. Not as long as you show so little respect to your customers with infuriating things like this (perfectly named!) black friday sh..!!
    omg you fell for that token refund scam? that was so successful that they thought they might scam some more people 2 days later, with "only" 70% back this time. i'm still laughing )
    and about new TE2020, dear god, i almost have no words. we constantly tell them what issues this game has, what to bring new, what improvements to make, nothing changed... and now, they come with this new academy like BREAKING NEWS: Sensational, you're not gonna believe what's coming! what's coming? some new token draining system. i bet this new academy **** will be so expensive, that all excitement will drop instantly. tokens to search for young players, tokens to hire trainers, and tokens to buy your own young players when you sign them. so exciting!
    let's hope i'm wrong. but we'll see
    lespa likes this.

  8. #88

    [Official] Top Eleven 2020 - December 4th

    Quote Originally Posted by gizzmo View Post
    I do not undersand this perpetual delays when a company says someting like: big thing is coming on december 4!! It was 3 weeks ago and we are the 4th of december. And ? Nothing! We have to wait for another 6 days to discover another token trap. What is the point in frustrating people like this ? I am still recovering from the "token refund" scam from last week. And now this! Make sure I am not going to buy any token from you people. Not as long as you show so little respect to your customers with infuriating things like this (perfectly named!) black friday ****!!

    Why do they male us wait 1 week to see the youth academy? Are they developing it still, even if they are, they said it would be out in 3 weeks at the time it they announced it, surely it is enough time to put the final touches in.

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    Last edited by Max; 12-04-2019 at 05:45 PM.

  9. #89
    Quote Originally Posted by funker View Post
    omg you fell for that token refund scam? that was so successful that they thought they might scam some more people 2 days later, with "only" 70% back this time. i'm still laughing )
    and about new TE2020, dear god, i almost have no words. we constantly tell them what issues this game has, what to bring new, what improvements to make, nothing changed... and now, they come with this new academy like BREAKING NEWS: Sensational, you're not gonna believe what's coming! what's coming? some new token draining system. i bet this new academy **** will be so expensive, that all excitement will drop instantly. tokens to search for young players, tokens to hire trainers, and tokens to buy your own young players when you sign them. so exciting!
    let's hope i'm wrong. but we'll see
    You are probably right, you should be able to produce your own superstars without a cost, but this is business orientated so they want money?

    Why can’t they add something like this without paying tokens being involved

    Well I hope you are wrong too, but I doubt it.

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  10. #90
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    Lets close this thread.
    We already have two in top of the page.
    Please try not to mix the comments about the youth academy and the year's update.
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