And, let's plan a new competition for the upcoming weeks, so we can be entertained now that winter is coming.
I'm gonna write the sketch of what we've planned.
1- We will try to run the 4 Continental Competitions we did (Copa América, Eurocup, Copa Africa, Copa Asia ) playing them the same season, and we will play 1 of them via Forum, and the other 3, will be managed by Facebook Communities.
2- The best 4 countries of each competition, will qualify for the World Cup, played on the upcoming season on forum mainly, that will have a auto-draw as we had in the Ist edition of the World Cup
3- We ("I" lol) will homogenize the rules, as we know that the FB groups have different rules regarding subs', so we will allow do the x3 sub's from 1* till the AvQ of the player we wanna change.
4- AvQ of 114,9 - No 9* and 1-3* allowed will remain.
On forum we will probably run the comp that have less countries available, doing a Group stage of 16 teams and then, as we previously did the playoffs.
Forum Communities will have the option to play all comp in a playoffs format.
5- We will reward for sure the Winner, of each Continental comp and probably the runner-up, then the World Cup will have a top 3 rewarded with 70-50-30 Tokens.
and.... I will list the nations available per Continent, ofc. if there are more participants there will be the option to have x2 same nations but, please I want 4 different countries classified per Continental Comp, so the best Qualified will have the right to chose if we have x2 Englands, another option is assign a new name, like "England, and then England North, England South..." xD
I've to manage some stuffs to make this posible, like contact groups and organize the details, once it's done I will update the post***