Someone (Steven Hamilton) posted this on facebook.
This is just another scam.
(1) The system is programmed like a casino, that is with a houge edge where on overall users will make a big loss. Given the history of Nordeus, expect the house edge to be high. To give an idea, it is similar to the 6-8 star player reward system where most users will get a 6-star player, rarely the 7-star player and even more rare the 8-star player. There might be even no relation with the position of the box that was chosen - just an illusion into making users think they picked the right or wrong box.
(2) This a trick to encourage or fool users to buy players at a time of the season when most users should not be even be making recruits.
Briefly, this is just another feature set to benefit mostly the company, not something done with for the users advantage as such.