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Thread: Should I buy this player?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2020

    Should I buy this player?

    This is my first season and I'm currently at lv2. I'm pretty confident that I have a shot on triple crowns but I think my team still lacks some key players to do so.
    At the moment I am #2 on League (gonna play against #1 and #3 this week), at R16 on CL and semi finals on Cup. I already stalk their teams and there's 2 in CL and 1 in cup (my semi) which can give me some trouble.
    Today my scout found some really good players but I'm not sure if they worth that much tokens. Tbh only the greatest he found I really liked.
    I'm open to suggestions, as I said I'm still newbie

    PS: I don't know how to post img here, so you can check its stats and my current players/formation down below

  2. #2
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by zer0bit View Post
    This is my first season and I'm currently at lv2. I'm pretty confident that I have a shot on triple crowns but I think my team still lacks some key players to do so.
    At the moment I am #2 on League (gonna play against #1 and #3 this week), at R16 on CL and semi finals on Cup. I already stalk their teams and there's 2 in CL and 1 in cup (my semi) which can give me some trouble.
    Today my scout found some really good players but I'm not sure if they worth that much tokens. Tbh only the greatest he found I really liked.
    I'm open to suggestions, as I said I'm still newbie

    PS: I don't know how to post img here, so you can check its stats and my current players/formation down below
    Look at your squad players value, if this guy have a high value maybe can improve fast and help you. It is a good price, ofc. for a 19 aged

  3. #3
    Champion SuperDunk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    I would say skip the player.
    You are low on tokens for a lvl 2manager.
    You should learn how to manage the tokens you have on the lower levels, and spending them all on a player isn t wise.
    Remember that the player next season turns 20 and loses 20 rating, so if you don t watch ads and invest in the player he is a max 2 seasons player..
    Pacurar likes this.
    I m still around, LOL!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    So you think I should get more players from auction instead? What would be your strategy in low level seasons? Get a decent squad for 1-2 seasons? I don't get much $$ atm, league gives 28,8k/game and my stadium barely pays anything so it's kinda hard rn, that player would me cost 3,71m if it were from auction tho, which is a lot. But I don't know if he would be a decisive player, he has 3 roles (very versatile), but that thing of decreasing 20% every season sounds really bad since I can get much % due to my training level.
    Also, speaking about training level, mine is lv20 atm, so I only have access to semi-pro drills.

  5. #5
    Famous Sillybq's Avatar
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    Oct 2019
    You do not seem to have enough tokens to buy the 19 year old recommended player. He cost 51 and you have 30.
    Also you look like you need to strengthen 2-3 positions, it wouldn’t be wise to spend your entire budget on 1 player

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    I would buy a few tokens from store, but you guys think it's not worth since it's mid season

  7. #7
    Famous Sillybq's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    If i assume tokens is not an issue.
    6 star 19 year old FT with useful triple position and SA that i badly need.

    Yes i will buy him as i can save alot of time and greens. Plus cash element is sponsored and at level 2 we have very little money.
    Ποσιδονας likes this.

  8. #8
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    This player is young, fast trainer and has 3 positions.
    Buy him and you can keep him for many seasons.
    With the money you have now 283 K', you will not be able to find players like him.
    Sillybq, nikolgiorgos and milpol like this.