Threaded View

PricopGeorgeCătălin Well this is a nice idea,... 05-10-2013,
08:36 AM

Charlie Swb This is the game i should... 05-10-2013,
03:44 PM

Charlie Swb and this is my most... 05-10-2013,
03:50 PM

fadhul17 Edited ..... 05-11-2013,
01:06 PM

chewbacca27 Soo..I had three matches with... 05-13-2013,
10:30 PM

essokimo some times i think its fake... 05-14-2013,
08:10 PM

jihado86 this is an abandonned team... 05-15-2013,
09:51 PM

Loc Dang Here is my match again a... 05-17-2013,
06:04 AM

tarmizi99 Presenting to you my team... 05-17-2013,
09:17 PM

daddiemeanie I have the highest rated club... 05-18-2013,
12:06 AM

بكر ابو مخ this...
... 05-19-2013,
01:56 PM

Radu Nicolae This result is very annoying.... 05-20-2013,
09:27 PM

essokimo i notice something happen... 05-22-2013,
04:59 PM

AdmiralG Wtf ?? :(
7028... 05-23-2013,
07:20 PM

Ravitaneja Nordeus need to improve the... 05-24-2013,
03:55 AM

haiclassic Can you believe ?
4-5-1V... 05-24-2013,
09:50 PM

AdmiralG Think basic formations are... 05-25-2013,
03:17 PM

Ahmed Abo Almajd hello guys..i have a big... 05-26-2013,
06:24 PM

Ildurnest 7240
Seems legit LOOL... 05-28-2013,
11:43 AM

tarmizi99 Pure bad luck or pure bull... 05-29-2013,
10:18 PM

ahmadowskianaya first time i lose this... 05-30-2013,
02:37 PM

essokimo some one tell me if a team... 05-30-2013,
03:48 PM

matcho13579 After this match, I was... 06-01-2013,
04:06 PM

Ken Choong I dominate the possession... 06-02-2013,
08:16 PM

July Fourth What is this... Big Troll by... 06-04-2013,
10:53 AM

PEDRODEPACAS i have a team of 60.5 average... 06-05-2013,
11:07 AM

Radu Nicolae i'm tired of this shit. today... 06-05-2013,
08:28 PM

dv8r Repost down below. 06-05-2013,
08:32 PM

Christina Kostova I am banging my head into the... 06-06-2013,
07:50 AM

H1PP00 İn my opinion the better... 06-07-2013,
07:18 AM

Radu Nicolae [QUOTE=PricopGeorgeCătălin;101... 06-07-2013,
10:38 AM

Ken Choong Dominate the game but fail to... 06-07-2013,
04:44 PM

sweeper4football Cup match. I was slightly... 06-09-2013,
08:10 PM

t0m.- 2:2 .
22. 2Qty vs 14 qty... 06-09-2013,
08:27 PM

Radu Nicolae WTF just happened??????
7889... 06-10-2013,
09:21 AM

Radu Nicolae read all my post and say it... 06-10-2013,
09:39 AM

Radu Nicolae read the post man, all of it,... 06-10-2013,
10:22 AM

matcho13579 Nordeus, you're just trolling... 06-16-2013,
03:08 PM

Radu Nicolae league match lost awkwardly... 06-17-2013,
09:24 PM

michelhmk How can I draw vs an illegal... 06-18-2013,
12:04 AM

giannisco 8294
I really don't... 06-19-2013,
12:20 PM

Royston Redderz it's really annoying. how... 06-20-2013,
08:51 PM

Otelul Galati83 Talking for my opponent :) ... 06-21-2013,
08:56 PM

Yoga Lee random result everywhere...... 06-22-2013,
08:17 PM

Martin Gorissen 8446
8447 06-22-2013,
09:46 PM

Pranav Mehandru Well my players condition was... 06-25-2013,
09:01 AM

xingular This is not fair-play.
I... 06-25-2013,
03:22 PM

Alan Štemberga I played a 1-1 draw against a... 06-26-2013,
02:53 PM

Alan Štemberga Screw this unrealistic game :D 06-27-2013,
04:46 PM

Alan Štemberga Another nobrain... 06-27-2013,
04:47 PM

Yiqi Hou OMG Help Me For Some Reason... 06-29-2013,
10:51 PM

Maranwe Played 4-4-2 against 4-4-2... 07-04-2013,
10:09 PM

xingular Unfair 07-05-2013,
04:30 PM

Alan Štemberga 4-4-2 is retarded! Any idiot... 07-06-2013,
09:56 PM

Alan Štemberga HAHAHAHAHAHAHH SERIOUSLY NOW... 07-07-2013,
05:15 PM

Alan Štemberga What am I supposed to do??... 07-07-2013,
05:20 PM

P.F.C. Stompwijk Ow 4-4-2 is not overpowered.... 07-16-2013,
02:17 PM

Peter Pirsten The match result is not just... 07-16-2013,
03:40 PM

Jan Fre so.. wait.. 2 days... 07-18-2013,
06:30 PM

Radu Nicolae sa.mi bag pula in jocul... 07-19-2013,
01:16 PM

Davey Stu Aye, bit raging with this.... 07-21-2013,
08:38 PM

Grzesiek Wodzyński Please do something about the... 07-29-2013,
09:44 PM

Lukas Martinsson Happened today! :D
... 08-02-2013,
12:10 AM

Radu Nicolae this game is bullshit!... 08-04-2013,
10:05 AM

Nicky Yes, this is really... 08-05-2013,
08:50 AM

Christina Kostova What happened here? Please,... 08-05-2013,
07:18 PM

Tùng Ngói I don't know why I lose ?... 08-14-2013,
02:30 AM

Tùng Ngói What do you think about this... 08-14-2013,
02:38 AM

janloui 10888 08-14-2013,
07:54 AM

janloui Hi
I can't see how I can... 08-14-2013,
07:57 AM

myozuka Great drop on all your... 08-14-2013,
10:30 AM

Dave Boon Hello all, im quite new to... 08-14-2013,
08:20 PM

El Duderino 4-3W-2N-1 could've done the... 08-14-2013,
11:14 PM

Dave Boon ye i know but didnt changed... 08-15-2013,
09:41 AM

aaafsus hi men
pleaz help
how to... 08-17-2013,
05:06 PM

Juanse642 I had to win this match for... 08-18-2013,
02:10 PM

james.griffin96 I'm pretty new to top eleven... 08-19-2013,
08:56 AM

Ruly Jj Jayden 11099 08-19-2013,
09:09 PM

P.F.C. Stompwijk Sometimes I don't get why my... 08-20-2013,
12:56 PM

Barry Chikoloy I don't trust this game no... 08-20-2013,
09:27 PM

Антон Овчаренко Hate this. CL semi-final,... 08-21-2013,
06:25 PM

JJJesusss como é possivel, depois de... 09-08-2013,
08:39 PM

Cat Harrison You need at least three... 09-08-2013,
09:26 PM

Susan Fc Welcome me to the whiners... 09-11-2013,
02:01 PM

Cat Harrison Only 3 on defense/your half... 09-11-2013,
02:05 PM

Cat Harrison Well, you might not want to... 09-11-2013,
03:46 PM

Barnes10 Me - 52% possession 8 shots... 09-14-2013,
08:13 PM

Madridista 21 Hi guys,I'm level 1,my team... 09-15-2013,
05:44 AM

Lamouette17 Hello
I have a reproach to... 09-16-2013,
09:07 PM

Tanèr PâRker :mad:... 09-17-2013,
06:38 PM

Mao LFC Is possession useless?
... 09-19-2013,
08:48 PM

Barnes10 New season and it's started... 09-24-2013,
10:11 PM

Natwalton AndyMetcalf injuries 09-25-2013,
11:39 AM

timelord I had 62% Possession, the... 09-25-2013,
03:19 PM

Barnes10 Last game today
... 09-29-2013,
08:04 PM

Cat Harrison 13081 09-29-2013,
08:09 PM

mahatmaat since your going down this... 09-30-2013,
09:04 PM

Adam Marszał I've put it yesterday on vent... 10-03-2013,
01:05 PM

anfield hero\'s still shaking my head in... 10-06-2013,
08:29 PM

usher_LFC My farce of a result today... 10-12-2013,
02:47 PM

essokimo in fact i won in quarter... 10-13-2013,
09:25 AM

sabankuru today in my league, first... 10-17-2013,
03:07 PM

dv8r OH DEAR.
... 10-23-2013,
11:31 PM

zaratoustra http://i40.tinypic.com/ekjga8.... 10-25-2013,
08:02 AM

sabankuru Please correct the... 10-25-2013,
09:46 PM

agitho Football is more than... 10-29-2013,
02:03 AM

darktennos This season is sucks for my... 10-30-2013,
01:26 PM

Killerbee It is not unless you have... 11-01-2013,
10:41 AM

Armin Bib 14552 look at this :)))) IT... 11-01-2013,
06:18 PM

Iheb Ben Amara Screenshot by Lightshot... 11-03-2013,
02:01 PM

ThichDaBongFC Only 30 mins after the... 11-04-2013,
04:30 PM

July Fourth What About This Pile Of SHIT... 11-04-2013,
07:49 PM

wishaam i heard that an illegal... 11-05-2013,
05:30 PM

Cat Harrison wishaam, that's really odd,... 11-05-2013,
07:24 PM

July Fourth http://i44.tinypic.com/2i8hitg... 11-05-2013,
11:05 PM

Gang Jerry This is can acceptable macth.... 11-07-2013,
10:15 AM

Gang Jerry Some one can tell me why i... 11-07-2013,
12:03 PM

littledude072 just came back from a nice... 11-08-2013,
04:40 PM

Eugen Cristea 1484814849
this is the ONLY... 11-09-2013,
01:25 PM

Kristian Travis Trevland I got 0-0 versus a 38 quality... 11-09-2013,
02:08 PM

Thrax1980 I played 4-4-2 at home... 11-09-2013,
07:05 PM

littledude072 the match that stung me the... 11-11-2013,
03:18 AM

ThichDaBongFC Semifinal Cup 1st leg : 2-4 ... 11-11-2013,
11:21 AM

Eugen Cristea Nordeus, wake the f**k up!!!... 11-12-2013,
10:49 AM

Dmitry Petrushkevich Attacking skills of the 2... 11-12-2013,
06:48 PM

Stoani I lol'ed
1498114982 11-12-2013,
08:31 PM

Kevin Cheng Wow, thanks for trolling my... 11-13-2013,
04:46 PM

Jooles Hi there!!
it's my first... 11-14-2013,
05:18 PM

Ogl Barcelona Hello there, I'm not one to... 11-15-2013,
08:11 PM

danielfeatley It looks like he out thought... 11-15-2013,
11:20 PM

Akash Bhadani 1522815229
Got trolled on... 11-17-2013,
10:37 PM

Kevin Cheng 4-5-1V works for me against... 11-18-2013,
10:22 PM

littledude072 i have a player named after... 11-19-2013,
09:37 AM

littledude072 hes not doing as well as i... 11-19-2013,
01:39 PM

spornybol how can i still be 0-0 ??... 11-19-2013,
05:32 PM

Gang Jerry nothing to say =.=
15395 11-19-2013,
06:23 PM

Akash Bhadani My friend [Andersson Fc] got... 11-19-2013,
10:49 PM

littledude072 avoiding a bad result here is... 11-20-2013,
10:53 AM

Manuel A Ruiz Gonzalez Hello friends, i feel... 11-20-2013,
01:47 PM

Adam Harvey what orders do i need for the... 11-20-2013,
11:20 PM

spears2222 this game is made for... 11-21-2013,
11:20 AM

Lazerus Bartholdy CL: I got 40 quality while my... 11-21-2013,
07:51 PM

spornybol i am LIVID at drawing today... 11-22-2013,
02:35 AM

kd18 15495 (same starting... 11-22-2013,
11:36 AM

Dmitry Petrushkevich What a joke this game is. I... 11-22-2013,
04:43 PM

Klaus Flint Getting tired of injuries in... 11-22-2013,
08:51 PM

Vik247 Hi all,
New to the forum.... 11-25-2013,
10:05 PM

Stoani What a wine-thread, stop... 11-26-2013,
06:38 PM

DiZZee Hic, I'll drink to that. 11-26-2013,
06:41 PM

Greek 15641
League game. 11-27-2013,
10:37 AM

Adriana Adamiak Wtf 11-27-2013,
05:30 PM

andreis032 it is my 4th time when I got... 11-28-2013,
07:49 AM

ThichDaBongFC sad for TDKs... 11-28-2013,
03:43 PM

Kristian Travis Trevland I had a fully rested team,... 11-28-2013,
03:52 PM

Kristian Travis Trevland Ladies and gentlemen, buying... 11-29-2013,
05:04 PM

Cakis I'm Karim FC. ... 11-30-2013,
06:36 AM

Joe Hillis Tactics, supporters, home... 11-30-2013,
02:07 PM

Dmitry Petrushkevich Also my buddy gave up on this... 11-30-2013,
03:04 PM

andreis032 I think this is the STUPIDEST... 11-30-2013,
07:26 PM

Cat Harrison Sometimes in type, the tone... 12-02-2013,
12:17 AM

Kristian Travis Trevland I lost once again to a... 12-03-2013,
08:09 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Because of the big number of... 12-04-2013,
06:27 PM

horntail I never lose 6-3 even play... 12-05-2013,
11:59 AM

Conker King http://img440.imageshack.us/im... 12-05-2013,
06:13 PM

Conker King ...needed a draw to qualify,... 12-07-2013,
06:27 PM

Staggy Stagg Top of league, 6 points... 12-13-2013,
10:44 AM

Casey Satran 16468
this makes no sense to... 12-13-2013,
02:53 PM

setan16 facing weakest opponent in... 12-21-2013,
05:12 PM

nicholas soo ma player all morale and... 12-21-2013,
06:08 PM

neonwired A lot of results are utterly... 12-24-2013,
09:12 PM

Pivac Momčina take a look at my last 3... 01-04-2014,
02:47 AM

Cat Harrison No, looking at the ratings,... 01-04-2014,
07:33 PM

Liverpudlian YNWA wow, how he can through to... 01-11-2014,
02:46 AM

spornybol i got trolled by a team 12... 01-17-2014,
12:50 PM

tgog79 That applies to you :) 01-17-2014,
02:00 PM

Marko Ištuk Buddy i watched the match, my... 01-17-2014,
02:09 PM

masyaf Today in a cup game I was... 01-19-2014,
06:13 PM

Pétur Benediktsson My team is 39 i lost to a... 01-26-2014,
08:05 PM

Gery Tryenasya My team lead 2-1 until the... 01-26-2014,
10:56 PM

Cat Harrison Post in English, this is an... 01-29-2014,
02:38 PM

Cat Harrison merci, thanks the google... 01-29-2014,
02:41 PM

sabankuru no commnet
... 01-29-2014,
03:30 PM

soomrox I should have won all 3 of... 02-04-2014,
02:47 PM

davide-acdc 19070
This years Champions... 02-05-2014,
07:53 PM

Dennis Pang you know how people say... 02-06-2014,
01:07 AM

masyaf 191401914119142
So wtf... 02-06-2014,
08:45 PM

WB Kitkat put it this way any game you... 02-06-2014,
08:52 PM

Sev Toska im not happy with my lost ..... 02-15-2014,
06:58 PM

Adriel Suasnabar http://imageshack.com/a/img585... 02-15-2014,
10:55 PM

Adriel Suasnabar Help here? i should rule the... 02-16-2014,
12:22 AM

spornybol I got married married to a... 02-17-2014,
03:45 PM

William Rex why the heck illegal... 02-22-2014,
05:08 AM

Cat Harrison I think that in Champions... 02-26-2014,
12:03 AM

Simon Skuff Scolding Only lost twice in the league... 03-01-2014,
04:01 PM

JohnnyBravo I love this game....:/
I win... 03-06-2014,
04:35 PM

Marko Ištuk What to say
... 03-11-2014,
01:11 PM

Vu Van Please see and comment 03-11-2014,
03:52 PM

Staggy Stagg Troll results happen in the... 04-24-2014,
02:20 PM

Nelson Oliveira Forgive me but this game is a... 04-24-2014,
06:58 PM

Sev Toska 22907
trolololo 05-03-2014,
02:51 PM

Josip Crncic Hello, can someone explain to... 05-19-2014,
06:52 PM

Angel Suleman I am experiencing very hight... 06-16-2014,
09:30 PM

Azy schwarzer I HATE IT MAN SERIOUSLY I AM... 06-17-2014,
03:35 PM

mopeygoal This is a bit crazy – when... 07-16-2014,
08:25 AM

Cat Harrison Yeah I tend to play... 07-16-2014,
08:55 AM

Steppenwolf Just compare possession and... 09-10-2014,
01:10 PM

Jose Antonio Ford Guys this game needs to be re... 09-11-2014,
01:06 AM

LeonardStefan Ok,lets start.
1. Ball... 10-30-2014,
05:35 PM

Staggy Stagg Shocker
42735 04-13-2015,
04:46 PM

Staggy Stagg That's T11 for you. It was... 04-13-2015,
05:32 PM

Steppenwolf 27 vs. 48 stars...
42742... 04-13-2015,
06:17 PM

nikolgiorgos @xconsole
yes, if oppo... 04-13-2015,
08:09 PM

nikolgiorgos @Steppenwolf
I usually have... 04-13-2015,
08:26 PM

HoofDaddy My logic doesn't say that at... 04-13-2015,
10:51 PM

Gabez Teh My T11 friend on left side,... 04-13-2015,
10:56 PM

HoofDaddy Yeah ive had games where... 04-13-2015,
11:25 PM

HoofDaddy Tell your cosmetic captain... 04-13-2015,
11:53 PM

HoofDaddy I'd like to see that chart... 04-14-2015,
12:05 AM

HoofDaddy I apprerciate your attention... 04-14-2015,
12:17 AM

Diabolic I'm the Team on the right... 04-19-2015,
03:21 PM

Krishna Sadhana Lost my first league game and... 04-19-2015,
04:12 PM

nikolgiorgos Yes, it's a classic troll... 04-19-2015,
05:56 PM

Steppenwolf https://smileyshack.files.word... 04-29-2015,
05:17 PM

Steppenwolf Feckin big time troll...... 05-04-2015,
08:02 PM

nikolgiorgos wtf, loosing from a tank ???... 05-09-2015,
06:41 PM

raiders Thank you top eleven! :(... 05-24-2015,
04:28 PM

raiders 45982
Beautyful cheating... 05-28-2015,
06:43 PM

Cat Harrison Not even a troll result. He... 05-28-2015,
07:44 PM

nikolgiorgos too much power training ?... 07-03-2015,
08:40 PM

raiders $@!#@! awesome top eleven,... 07-04-2015,
06:26 PM

raiders New day, old game.4902249023 07-05-2015,
06:20 PM

Gabez Teh Hey fellow countryman!
... 07-17-2015,
09:12 PM

Steppenwolf Well done Trolldeus... 07-20-2015,
07:41 PM

Kieron Ash Just an 'off game' but sure I... 07-21-2015,
07:18 PM

Kieron Ash Lesson learnt! Since my... 07-24-2015,
10:22 AM

Steppenwolf Top dog vs. bottom team...... 08-15-2015,
06:14 PM

nikolgiorgos have a nice troll day :D 08-15-2015,
06:33 PM

Steppenwolf This game is trolling me big... 08-20-2015,
10:49 AM

Tactician My second team is playing in... 08-20-2015,
01:11 PM

Killroy I see a lot of hate from... 08-20-2015,
01:27 PM

Steppenwolf Two goals by 1* striker... 08-27-2015,
05:19 PM

talisman This is in the vent thread,... 08-27-2015,
05:23 PM

Gabez Teh IRL result:
... 08-27-2015,
11:00 PM

Kyle Anderson This is my 5th season and... 08-27-2015,
11:50 PM

HoofDaddy haha raise your win bonus,... 09-10-2015,
07:55 PM

Bas Schutz major bug 11-10-2015,
01:15 PM

sam593 i played a game today. my... 01-31-2016,
03:33 PM

Cristi Gata You should.
If u invest more... 11-01-2013,
09:09 PM
Unsatisfactory result - POST HERE!
Hello guys, idea of this topic is to find why we lost or we made a draw and what we should do on the future to avoid this.
I made this topic because I saw a lot of complains and some of them are because of us.
To avoid the basic questions please let us know what was your players condition, moral, formations and teams quality.
I hope together we can make our teams better and stronger!
Please avoid the fights and stay on topic!
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