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Thread: EXPERIMENT - Intentional PK

  1. #1
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    EXPERIMENT - Intentional PK

    I would like to ask you guys, to try a test and post here your experience.
    It's a well known fact that many times when we do a sub', the fresh player scores, too if we see a player missing a FK or a corner twice and we select another player for this job it's very posible to see him scoring, so, this occur because the game is so reactive.

    So the idea is, that "maybe" if we switch the main PK player -when 2nd half starts, for example- the game should detect the movement, and, maybe, using some kind of orders (focuss in the middle? hard tackling if the aggressivity factor is set to benefit us and go against the oppo' etc) the game will react and select the animation showing a PK.

    So, I would like to ask managers to try this, and post the result to know if there's a impact when we do this action, and then we could even try to check out the different orders that can "force a PK"


  2. #2
    Famous Sillybq's Avatar
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    Oct 2019
    I changed my PK taker. Got another PK and missed again. He scores 2 late goals and I lose 2-1. Sad case of being destined to lose

    EXPERIMENT - Intentional

  3. #3
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Sillybq View Post
    I changed my PK taker. Got another PK and missed again. He scores 2 late goals and I lose 2-1. Sad case of being destined to lose

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    But the point is that by switchign the PK man, the engine gave you another PK... that's what the experiment wanna test

  4. #4
    Famous Sillybq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    But the point is that by switchign the PK man, the engine gave you another PK... that's what the experiment wanna test
    Good point. I never thought of it. Will try it next time. Not often do we miss PKs so I hope I remember

    For this case, I only switched the PK taker, did not change orders

  5. #5
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sillybq View Post
    Good point. I never thought of it. Will try it next time. Not often do we miss PKs so I hope I remember

    For this case, I only switched the PK taker, did not change orders
    you don't need to wait till you have a PK, simply, the idea is that if you, during the live match, do a change and you select another player, the engine should detect this movement, and concede a PK in your favour. Let's see.

    In this case you, "maybe" and this can confirm ma theory, got a 2nd PK, cause after the 1st one you changed the player that missed the 1st, so, if my theory is right, was that action that did the 2nd PK possible.... so there's a relation...

  6. #6
    Famous Sillybq's Avatar
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    This is a good test. I am interested to know as well. Let's see what the others experienced and hopefully we have definitive evidence that the game reacts to certain changes
    khris likes this.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    I would like to ask you guys, to try a test and post here your experience.
    It's a well known fact that many times when we do a sub', the fresh player scores, too if we see a player missing a FK or a corner twice and we select another player for this job it's very posible to see him scoring, so, this occur because the game is so reactive.

    So the idea is, that "maybe" if we switch the main PK player -when 2nd half starts, for example- the game should detect the movement, and, maybe, using some kind of orders (focuss in the middle? hard tackling if the aggressivity factor is set to benefit us and go against the oppo' etc) the game will react and select the animation showing a PK.

    So, I would like to ask managers to try this, and post the result to know if there's a impact when we do this action, and then we could even try to check out the different orders that can "force a PK"

    This sounds interesting, I will give it a shot when I am somewhat active next season. Even if I am not, I will try it during a match that I couldn’t care about.

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  8. #8
    Moderator milpol's Avatar
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    Changed the pk taker , 2 games after i won 2-0 , me not there , on league , with 2 p kicks from the new p kicker

    EXPERIMENT - Intentional PK-pk.jpg
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  9. #9
    Rookie ChocoLove's Avatar
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    Changed PK man
    Opponent got PK instead but stopped.

    Sent from stupid app stop revealing my phone's name.
    Last edited by ChocoLove; 02-24-2020 at 09:38 PM.

  10. #10
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChocoLove View Post
    Changed PK man
    Opponent got PK instead but stopped.

    Sent from stupid app stop revealing my phone's name.
    Thats what I wanted to see... It doesnt matter if u switch a setting and then the oppo have its benefit.. this is like the Hard tackling + the aggressivity factor punishing the oppo, then is when u can force double yellows. And Im sure that this will happen more times, cause each action have a reaction for 1 or the other team, that comes from the same order u switch.... So, interesting.

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