I had a guy with four stars on my first season now he's down to almost to. Do they always drop? If so by season 3 he'll be dead. He will be down to zero Stars
I had a guy with four stars on my first season now he's down to almost to. Do they always drop? If so by season 3 he'll be dead. He will be down to zero Stars
players always lose stars every single year
This happens because as you promote, your team quality will drop 20% each season, that goes for every player, the players you have now won’t be good enough to last you many seasons unless you train them up or keep them up to standards, and if you can’t go buy players in the transfer section, some advice for you is if you want to buy a young 4* player and train him up. As I said, you can organise training drills to keep your players firing or just buy them yourself with your tokens.
Remember to do this every season because they will lose 20% every season.
Welcome to the forum by the way.
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