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  Click here to go to the first staff post in this thread.   Thread: [Official] Friendly Championship - FULL-TIME

  1.   Click here to go to the next staff post in this thread.   #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    [Official] Friendly Championship - FULL-TIME

    [Official] Friendly Championship - FULL-TIME-wn-84-.jpg

    In celebration of Top Eleven’s 10th Birthday, we're bringing a new Friendly Championship feature! A brand new competition that will be made completely by you - our Managers! Create your unique League, invite your friends to join and collect amazing rewards!

    On the 13th day of every season, the preparation phase for Friendly Championships will start. In the events tab, you'll be able to create new or join an already existing tournament. A Manager can only participate in one tournament.

    To participate, every team will need to have a special Friendly Championship ticket, which you can earn by finishing in the Top 8 the season before. For the Birthday season, everyone will already have a ticket and be ready to jump into a competition.

    To Create New

    To create a new Championship, go to the create button and after you enter the name your tournament will be created.

    In the top right corner, you'll be able to see the invitation button. By clicking there you'll generate a unique code that you can send to your friends. You can share the code on your social media channels or directly to your friends through a messaging app.

    To Join

    Everyone that knows the code can go to the join button from the events screen, type in the code, and tap on apply for the competition. You can to apply for several competitions but play only one. Once the creator of the tournament accepts your application you’re in the tournament.

    The creator of the tournament can accept or deny any application. However, each Friendly Championship can have a minimum of 5 to a maximum of 14 competitors. Once a team enters the tournament it will not be able to change.


    With this feature, we’ll be introducing reputation, which is an indication of the level of competition and quality in the League. Every team will have its own reputation that will add to the reputation of the whole Championship.

    Reputation is calculated for every team individually and for the whole Championship. Individual reputation is measured based on a team level and quality. Individual reputations are calculated as the Manager applies for the competition. The Championship reputation is calculated based on the individual reputations of the top 7 teams in a leaderboard.

    The bigger the reputation of your tournament the harder the competition, but the better the rewards for the winners. Every season you'll be able to win rewards: exclusive home and away jerseys and emblems.


    On day 16 of the season, Friendly Championships kick-off. The system of the competition is similar to the Top Eleven League. Matches will be played daily and a club with the most points will claim the top spot. These matches won’t impact players’ condition morale or injuries.

    Get your friends ready and stay tuned!. The Friendly Championships are coming soon!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    OMG. Sounds great. Good job 😍😍😍
    Lian and milpol like this.

  3. #3

    [Official] Friendly Championship - FULL-TIME

    This seems good, looking forward to it.
    Last edited by Max; 05-27-2020 at 12:23 AM.
    Vander likes this.

  4. #4
    Moderator milpol's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Good job , thats a move against tankers.
    I also made a video for everyone who wants to watch on a more entertaining way, based on lian's post.
    maloukees likes this.
    For official in-game help please refer to Top Eleven Support here.
    I upload top eleven content on my YouTube Channel.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    This sounds very interesting. Please don't mess it up or leave it open to the kind of exploits that plagued associations.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Sounds great.....

    Strike against the tankers

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    Hum..Sounds interesting, but unless prizes are very good or competition is fun, tankers will keep being tankers. They have no need to enter the competition if it´s not worth it, at least it´s what I think since they don´t even care to lose the 100 tokens every year for being in the platinum league..
    milpol likes this.

  8. #8
    Famous EastsiderSG's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    It is a good move against tankers and it rewards up high level upsellers with multiple accounts. They do watch a lot of videos so it's probably fair? Be careful which tournament you join, we only have 1 ticket.

  9.   Click here to go to the next staff post in this thread.   #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    The preparation phase is live now! Setup your tournaments and invite your friends by using the competition's unique code.

    Looking forward to seeing your leaderboards.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2020
    Comment peut on inviter nos amis a notre championnat amical svp ?

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