Seriously? How many teams have these players anyway? With these two tasks, plus “buy 96% players with special ability”, Nordeus basically stole 320 points, without which we can’t reach the last milestone. And for some reason if you can’t do any one of the other tasks, 19th milestone also out of reach.
I unlocked premium because of a few prizes, one of which was the 20% condition recovery. Well, I won’t be buying premium next season.
Edit: OK let’s make this a “constructive” criticism. Why not adjust these type of tasks to team structures? Give me task to score with 120+, or assist with 110+. Or don’t ask a team to score goals with 19 years or younger, when the youngest player they have is 20 years old. Or how can I train with 4 MC if I don’t use MC, or 5 ST if I use 1 ST in my tactic. Examples could be increased, of course., but you get the idea.