Most of the abilities are useless, if not all. I just like them for cosmetic reasons, makes me keep my players for longer.
Most of the abilities are useless, if not all. I just like them for cosmetic reasons, makes me keep my players for longer.
I m still around, LOL!
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Let's say your ST has been on 1 vs 1 against a GK for 100 times and scored 60 goals.
Out of these 60 goals he may have scored 5 goals because of One on One scorer. These is absolutely no way to find how many goals your ST managed to score because of One on One.
Devs have already stated that when the SA gets triggered your players behaves as +1 star.
Last edited by Arphaxad; 08-13-2020 at 11:40 AM.
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So the key is to know when/how to get the SA triggered...