2 new sets of Jerseys added to the winter colectionred and black.
A 0-7 first leg win against the cloggers, books a third CL final for the Ravers against 'Nobodt666' (wish I could predict the lottery as accurate).
never seen that before a 44 quality MC trips a 22 quality striker on 0 minutes, yellow card, (MC's always the first to get booked) lol I was playing 3 DM's and 3 DC's what the f**k did he need to tackle anyone for. Crazy game anyway I subbed him in on 55mim just in case the game engine had any plans for a straight red.![]()
Last edited by Accyrover; 01-07-2013 at 11:14 PM.
Level 1,2,3,4,5,6 League winners
Level 1,2,3,5 CL Winners
Level 4 CL runner up.
Level 2,3,4 Cup winners
P267 W244 D2 L11 GF1024 GA91
2nd and 3rd go head to head tomorrow... Depending on how that goes, I may have to reschedule Wednesday's game against 2nd place to 1am. It would then be 3am or 4am his time and he'll be sleeping and won't be able to watch his match. He won't be happy but that's what he gets for beating me 1-0 last time round.
Season 15 - Level 15
League Winners (14) - Levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
26-0-0 league (4) - Levels 3, 4, 7 & 8
Undefeated in league (11) - Levels 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14
Cup winners (2) - Level 1 & 14
Cup 3rd place (1) - Level 12
Champions League Winners (10) - Levels 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Champions League Runners up(1) - Level 9
>My team<
Finally Im back on this forum...for some unknown reason i wasn't able to excess it through my facebook log in....who has missed me
Season so far im sitting 5th in League 18 only 5 points off top i think...CL i played 6 lost 6 oh well...still in the Mickey Mouse cup
Let's see how we're doing this season ....
PricopGeorgeCătălin - 12-19-2012, 02:17 PM - permalink
Momentan activez pe 5,6 conturi dar doar 2 le folosesc cu adevărat, restul le folosesc pe post de "fermă" pentru bonusurile zilnice, o practică destul de comună care zic eu că se merită pentru cele câteva minute alocate în plus.
Pe conturile principale am 2 echipe, Orlova FC şi FC Bocsa, pe forum la "Team showcase" le puteţi găsii pe amândouă.
Translation from Bing Translator
At the moment I turn on 5,6 accounts, but only 2 use them really, I use them as a "farm" for daily bonuses, a practice quite common that I say it is worth it for the few minutes allocated.
The main account I have 2 teams, Orlova and FC Badge, on the forum of "Team showcase" you can find both.
If the Forum Moderator has 5-6 accounts?
How many accounts are the Forum Admins have?