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Thread: Leaving the game

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Leaving the game

    I am aware that this game is unrealistic but i played it because I liked it a lot. But after today's Champions League game i am quiting forever. I trained my players, i spent rests and morale boosters, i played defensively with high pression. Opponent was 5% stronger. Only thing that i was not able to do was to watch the game. Result? 10:0 for him?????
    If mistake was putting AMC (instead of one MC bc he was suspended) why i had to concede 10 goals???
    Gj Nordeus.
    Leaving the game-2.jpg
    Leaving the game-3.png

    My 7 star DC had 4.5 rating GK almost 7 stars 4.0

    P.S. Sorry for opening test thread.
    Last edited by Scorpion044; 11-02-2020 at 07:55 PM.

  2. #2
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Scorpion044 View Post
    I am aware that this game is unrealistic but i played it because I liked it a lot. But after today's Champions League game i am quiting forever. I trained my players, i spent rests and morale boosters, i played defensively with high pression. Opponent was 5% stronger. Only thing that i was not able to do was to watch the game. Result? 10:0 for him?????
    If mistake was putting AMC (instead of one MC bc he was suspended) why i had to concede 10 goals???
    Gj Nordeus.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2.jpg 
Views:	117 
Size:	72.4 KB 
ID:	135819
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	3.png 
Views:	116 
Size:	52.9 KB 
ID:	135820

    My 7 star DC had 4.5 rating GK almost 7 stars 4.0

    P.S. Sorry for opening test thread.
    Hi Scorpion
    Can you check at the oppo players skills? do you notice something strange like 340%s or ?

    My guess but, is that isn't the case, looking at the ratings you earned...these 4.0 and 4.5 -I juess just after a resources investment?- are caused because the game didn't count the team status after the training and used the previous data.
    I've by myself experienced this one time and it's really frustrating. Not sure which type of loophole causes this regarding the simulator, but it exists, and for sure it didn't count the trainings you did meaning that you started with 0% bonuses everywhere.

    It needs a re-check because in theory the engine do a check out of the team stats to do the simulation just 3 minutes before the match, but maybe in some specific days the check out is just obviated and thats why this happens.

    Send a ticket please to the support because it needs a deep check out.
    From tomorrow on you should notice again a normal behavior in the ratings and game stats.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    I think for this season, the high press and man mark seems no effect to the game.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    Hi Scorpion
    Can you check at the oppo players skills? do you notice something strange like 340%s or ?

    My guess but, is that isn't the case, looking at the ratings you earned...these 4.0 and 4.5 -I juess just after a resources investment?- are caused because the game didn't count the team status after the training and used the previous data.
    I've by myself experienced this one time and it's really frustrating. Not sure which type of loophole causes this regarding the simulator, but it exists, and for sure it didn't count the trainings you did meaning that you started with 0% bonuses everywhere.

    It needs a re-check because in theory the engine do a check out of the team stats to do the simulation just 3 minutes before the match, but maybe in some specific days the check out is just obviated and thats why this happens.

    Send a ticket please to the support because it needs a deep check out.
    From tomorrow on you should notice again a normal behavior in the ratings and game stats.
    He has 355% finishing on 1 of the ST's. I did training immediately after my league game and i spent resources 1 hour before the CL game. We played against each other 2 or 3 seasons ago and the results were normal (He was even stronger then).
    Thanks for answer.

  5. #5
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Scorpion044 View Post
    He has 355% finishing on 1 of the ST's. I did training immediately after my league game and i spent resources 1 hour before the CL game. We played against each other 2 or 3 seasons ago and the results were normal (He was even stronger then).
    Thanks for answer.
    So yeah, ok, he have a 355% in a skill, but this isn't the cause of the general ratings drop. The cause is the previous training you did that wasn't counted and it caused some kind of issue in the upcoming match simulation.
    I had a situation like this too, after abig invertment all the team changed it's behavior. The player I had that scored 5/5 FKs stopped scoring, the one that assisted in corners, stopped assisting, the key players changed radically yhe behavior after a big investment...

    That's why sometimes isn't as easy as it seems to select a player where to invest the resources...

    As said please, contact the support and ask them fopr a check out.


  6. #6
    Addicted po_zdrach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post

    As said please, contact the support and ask them fopr a check out.

    Khris, do you really believe that support is useful? For last 2-3 years I have not meaningful answer for them.

  7. #7
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by po_zdrach View Post
    Khris, do you really believe that support is useful? For last 2-3 years I have not meaningful answer for them.
    I believe that they have to collect feedback and bring it to the developers for a deep analysis in this case.
    About the answer, I will not say that support can't be improved, because yeah, of course it can be improved somehow.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2020

    Angry The game system is ridiculous

    The support is a bad joke.

    Pre-programmed responses do not solve anything.

    The game is getting worse and worse, results totally staggering.

    Whoever buys Mourinho at the beginning of the season does not need to do anything else, they can leave the team abandoned and any tactical order they can win from the teams that train the players!

    You make a series of changes and nothing happens in the game's animation and statistics.

    Pure deception!

    Many people abandoning Top Eleven around the world because of that!
    No more likes this.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Probably that is the biggest drawback - no changes in game animation, orders, statistics. Orders weren't improved since i started to play back in 2014.
    They keep improving all these events and tournaments but the results is that it doesn't motivate to play because the base of game haven't improved

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Diaboloiro68 View Post
    The support is a bad joke.

    Pre-programmed responses do not solve anything.

    The game is getting worse and worse, results totally staggering.

    Whoever buys Mourinho at the beginning of the season does not need to do anything else, they can leave the team abandoned and any tactical order they can win from the teams that train the players!

    You make a series of changes and nothing happens in the game's animation and statistics.

    Pure deception!

    Many people abandoning Top Eleven around the world because of that!
    Sorry, i never spent money on this game.. and win many prices

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