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Thread: Personal Trainer questions

  1. #1
    Famous EastsiderSG's Avatar
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    Personal Trainer questions

    Till what age is the personal trainer avaliable?

    I have a 27 year old who I hope can hit 1000 goals. To maintain older players, is it better to buy greens with tokens or use the personal trainer if they fall into the 160 - 180 range for beneficial drills. His quality requires 80 tokens.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by EastsiderSG View Post
    Till what age is the personal trainer avaliable?

    I have a 27 year old who I hope can hit 1000 goals. To maintain older players, is it better to buy greens with tokens or use the personal trainer if they fall into the 160 - 180 range for beneficial drills. His quality requires 80 tokens.
    It seems to work until 30Y.
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  3. #3
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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  4. #4
    Famous EastsiderSG's Avatar
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    No one has an opinion on whether I should use personal trainer or greens for maintaining my old man?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by EastsiderSG View Post

    No one has an opinion on whether I should use personal trainer or greens for maintaining my old man?
    29 years old is the oldest a player can be to use the personal trainer.
    In general, I find the personal trainer to be far more expensive than using greens for specific trainings. You mentioned you would need 80T to use the personal trainer for a 4% gain. To me that is not good value. 30 year olds train very slowly but usually still faster than 22 greens per 1% point (80T is roughly = to 89 G). The benefit of the personal trainer is that you do see the 4% increase across most the players skills, including ones already very high, 160-180, whereas it is harder to target those same skills with drills. But still...if you use some of the excel sheets available to find the best trainings for your guy I’d say you will get a better outcome for your 80T with trainings. All that said, 30 years old is usually past the point I try to train a guy but I wish you luck in getting to 1000 no matter which method you use. (In fact it would be great if they allowed the personal trainer for players so old that it would in fact be cost justified. I think many managers would like to extend the useful life of 30 - 33 year old favorites.)
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  6. #6
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by julien12 View Post
    29 years old is the oldest a player can be to use the personal trainer.
    In general, I find the personal trainer to be far more expensive than using greens for specific trainings. You mentioned you would need 80T to use the personal trainer for a 4% gain. To me that is not good value. 30 year olds train very slowly but usually still faster than 22 greens per 1% point (80T is roughly = to 89 G). The benefit of the personal trainer is that you do see the 4% increase across most the players skills, including ones already very high, 160-180, whereas it is harder to target those same skills with drills. But still...if you use some of the excel sheets available to find the best trainings for your guy I’d say you will get a better outcome for your 80T with trainings. All that said, 30 years old is usually past the point I try to train a guy but I wish you luck in getting to 1000 no matter which method you use. (In fact it would be great if they allowed the personal trainer for players so old that it would in fact be cost justified. I think many managers would like to extend the useful life of 30 - 33 year old favorites.)
    Superb explanation.

    I agree that the personal trainer is long past an overhaul. I have suggested this many times.
    julien12 likes this.
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  7. #7
    Famous EastsiderSG's Avatar
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    Thanks Julien. Your response was in depth and to the point. Good analysis. Will try to gain 1 percent and see how many greens it takes and work things out from there. First time actually attempting to keep an old player so a new experience for me. i still have alot to learn

  8. #8
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    EastsiderSG, perhaps you should consider on older players, to use the spetial sponsor skill bonus

    Remember personal trainer elevates both gray and white skills

  9. #9
    Famous EastsiderSG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NUNO FC View Post
    EastsiderSG, perhaps you should consider on older players, to use the spetial sponsor skill bonus

    Remember personal trainer elevates both gray and white skills
    Thanks for the advice Nuno. I do that if the special sponsor skills do not touch any Greys for my attackers. But it still seems insufficient to maintain a good level in the coming seasons. At 80 tokens, it is still not worth it for me as Julien mentioned. But if it drops to 60 tokens and below in 2 seasons when he is 29, I will have to give him a boost then so that he can stay on my first team even after 30 till retirement.

  10. #10
    Famous Der_Ryan_M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EastsiderSG View Post
    Thanks for the advice Nuno. I do that if the special sponsor skills do not touch any Greys for my attackers. But it still seems insufficient to maintain a good level in the coming seasons. At 80 tokens, it is still not worth it for me as Julien mentioned. But if it drops to 60 tokens and below in 2 seasons when he is 29, I will have to give him a boost then so that he can stay on my first team even after 30 till retirement.
    Why do you bother about the grey skills when a player gets older? For me training greys later in a players career is a cheap and effective method to keep him for longer. Usually the white skills are high enough if you focus on them during younger ages.
    RaiKo likes this.

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