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It is rule that if you don't finish top eight you are not due to receive tokens in case you get promotion from gold to platinum for instance in asso ... but if game choose to promote you despite of finishing ninth - what then???
Dobbelt punishment???
I've been playing for almost eight years and don't regret money spent or anything but now all game wrongs even small ones are huge as I am sick and tired of server deciding the fixtures.... same teams - same fixtures - same outcome as rules and possibilities are different from country to country...
In some countries (this is THE FACT) you can watch up to 75 commercials for greens as long as you install different updates on different devices.... well that don't work in mh country.....
That is only one of BIG game changers...
That still works despite your new "huge" update.....
Thanks for your time and last years....
How can I delete my team instantly?? Don't want to see that case of ghost team...when zi stop....
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