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Thread: Struggling to defeat a MUCH weaker inactive opponent

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2021

    Struggling to defeat a MUCH weaker inactive opponent

    This was my first cup game after moving to lvl 2.
    The opponent was just a fresh team that was created 2 rounds before the end of the season and won the league somehow! The screenshot after our game:

    Struggling to defeat a MUCH weaker inactive opponent-photo_2021-04-28_19-49-23.jpg

    The powers were my 71% against his 39%, I had 10% all bonuses, my team was 90%+ condition and I was watching the game and adapting the tactics... what could go wrong?

    Struggling to defeat a MUCH weaker inactive opponent-photo_2021-04-28_19-30-00.jpg

    I had the bar constantly around 75% in my favor, but I didn't mange to do anything to make players actually shoot on target.
    Looking at games like this makes you feel helpless...

    Today my lvl2 friend also had a very familiar cup game:
    75% power well prepared (not fully rested, though, but 70-80% condition) team that have just crushed an equal opponent in league 8-2, but wasn't able to do anything against 54% power team and ended up 1-1 (which was the 1st ever draw after 23 winning streak).

    I won the 2nd leg of mine (also was 0-0 for the 1st half, but ended 4-0), and hope my friend will also do this, but I wonder, if there's some technique to turn the gears if you see the engine not wanting you to win against all odds?
    Last edited by iSusel; 04-29-2021 at 04:13 AM.