Teams that have one or more players, in the skills with 2 or more negative ash, entered the drawings of the support teams......

Players with only 1 negative gray in the skill, entered the "normal" draws and not the support teams... So there was equality in the games/sweepstakes.......
For the teams' strengths to be equalized in the games


About Auctions:
After the draws, all auctions closed, so that smart guys don't cheat to increase averages with purchases after the draws ..
About the games times, it's 4:00 in the morning, it's meaningless


On behalf of the GEA Portugal group and some friends outside our group, I'm thinking of bringing ALL PORTUGUESE into one Messenger group and stopping Top Eleven. For Nordeus to feel our strength from the Portuguese and beyond.

In the latest updates, there is no equality in the sweepstakes (in the strengths of the teams) and the schedules away from home are 04:00, 06:00, etc... There are currently no conditions

Nordeus has to sense our strength, if they don't quickly change the format of the sweepstakes in the last division "in the Suprema", during some seasons, nobody spends money nor goes to the game, that will be the idea....

Topics will be:
Match times (away from home)...
To have be more balance between the teams in the sweepstakes (Suprema)...