Actually got a 144% guy - 24yo with one on one and free kick skills - nice
Actually got a 144% guy - 24yo with one on one and free kick skills - nice
My player was 124% but I wasn't planning on replacing my striker anyway. The rewards in this tournament were good!! The rewards were actually worth fighting for and there were no +35% teams in this event this time around. I really liked the little tweaks they made to this event!
You were lucky then. I had two 160+ tankers in mine who unsurprisingly took first and second with my (non-tanker) 134% team in 3rd. But there were some teams from 103% up in my group as well.
So I was battling just to "win" 3rd place.
Tankers spoil everything.
ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
Level 131
50 League
8 Champions/Elite League
4 Super League/Gold Cup
12 Cup
1 Super Cup
Top Eleven Forum Moderator
Well, my team is 110%, and all my rivals in this tourney were 124, 125, 130, 135, and 145%... lovely !
Still managed to get the emblem ( 12 trophies ) which was my goal tbh, not the player.
What Im trying to say is... "long live the fair brackets !"
You get the idea
would prefer to get logo and jersey over some player that will drop 20% 2days later.
(oh and this new player will make you group against top teams in the league next season)
It was during king of kings event. I got the trophy from a manager level 57 at 105% and I was at 102%. He challenged me and it failed first time. Then he again challenged and won. After that I challenged and lost first time in Tie breaker. My players put shots wide of goal for no apparent reason. Then in next challenge I never had the ball in highlights. The difference between 2 teams were just 3%. And I won first time. This makes no sense.
Can anybody provide with any expanation?
Explanation?? Ha ha. It’s Nordeus we are talking about here. You can’t be serious 🤣🤣