Yeah the narrow diamond seems to be most difficult to beat now Cracicot, but i'll post a full match report against this guy so expect either a "F**K THIS GAME I QUIT AND REFUSE TO EVER PLAY FOOTBALL GAMES AGAIN"
actually quite worked up against this bloke :')
I like the idea of 3N-1DMC-3N-2-1, seems to be the best idea as it covers the centre so he will have no formation advantage, and my AMR/AML can wreak some havok on them wings
so yeah thanks Narf and Dave, i think i've made my mind up.
However i'm unsure about the man on man, i've heard people saying its outdated and a bad tactic, yet my players are better than his man for man.
playing 3N would support the idea of counter attacks yes? never fiddled with those tactics so i might give the match plan a test run against the poor test subject i play tomorrow