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Thread: Opponent has a Spec. Spon. Award that is mathematically impossible…Please explain

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Opponent has a Spec. Spon. Award that is mathematically impossible…Please explain

    I just played a team that had the Special Sponsor +8% Mourinho boost. To get that you must have 630 (or more) points. As of right now the MAX available is 660 BUT one award, “Develop a player in the youth academy” is worth a 100 points and is not possible to get yet as the Youth Academy had granted the final players yet (still in choice phase). So the max possible points at this moment is 560.
    How does a player achieve a 630 reward when only 560 points could have been awarded?
    Any thoughts out there?

    (I think I have one possible answer. To even get to 560 it means he would have had to achieve the “finish training of MC role for any player” task (90 points). While this is possible, the only MC he has that isn’t natively an MC is a 30 year old. So as this position has to be earned - not granted - it would mean the player spent a ton to train the 30 year old OR he simply bought all of the Spec Spon. rewards (25T a pop) and did not bother to do any of the tasks.)

    What do you think?
    Last edited by julien12; 03-05-2022 at 02:43 PM. Reason: Misspelling in title

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Pay to win.
    jarharnamme and julien12 like this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    He pays 25 token for each Sponsor step to advance. You think too much.
    julien12 likes this.

  4. #4
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    He’s clearly been paying the 25T to advance.
    jarharnamme and julien12 like this.
    ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
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  5. #5
    Famous Der_Ryan_M's Avatar
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    I have a few opponents who buy Level 20 of the spec sponsor on day 1 for 25T per level. So for 500T you can complete it day 1.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Der_Ryan_M View Post
    I have a few opponents who buy Level 20 of the spec sponsor on day 1 for 25T per level. So for 500T you can complete it day 1.
    It might not be a bad business if you think of it, if you have bought the premium your players will rest 20% faster so lets make somo math!

    You get an extra 1,2% rest for each player for each 3h

    For eleven players and 648h (27 days of the season) you save a total of 2851% which at 15%=1 Green pack is equivalent to 190 extra green packs

    If you take into consideration that you also save 2 videos a day training the individual 10% and the group 40%, thats is equivalent to more 54 green packs

    Having into considerations that you also spend some resources by finishing the tasks, if you are a player that only trains players from aution it might not be a disaster busines at all

    Most people don't undestand that part of top eleven is managment, and that a good managment gives you enough resources to play, to win and will even consume the time to come here and complain
    julien12 and PaulG like this.

  7. #7
    Famous Der_Ryan_M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NUNO FC View Post
    It might not be a bad business if you think of it, if you have bought the premium your players will rest 20% faster so lets make somo math!

    You get an extra 1,2% rest for each player for each 3h

    For eleven players and 648h (27 days of the season) you save a total of 2851% which at 15%=1 Green pack is equivalent to 190 extra green packs

    If you take into consideration that you also save 2 videos a day training the individual 10% and the group 40%, thats is equivalent to more 54 green packs

    Having into considerations that you also spend some resources by finishing the tasks, if you are a player that only trains players from aution it might not be a disaster busines at all

    Most people don't undestand that part of top eleven is managment, and that a good managment gives you enough resources to play, to win and will even consume the time to come here and complain
    Everyone has to decide it by himself. I am not complaining or blaming these people who buy it. For me it is not worth the token to get the 20% faster recovery and I like to do the tasks and manage my team a bit, so I can complete most of the tasks. Especially as you get the 10% faster recovery within a few days with the first tasks...

    And apart from fast recovery or maybe the bonus trainer, which we don't even have this season, there is nothing you could really need day 1 imo.
    NUNO FC and Sillybq like this.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Der_Ryan, I entierly agree with you i like doing the sponsor tasks for me its part of the fun

    I was trying to think outside my box
    Der_Ryan_M likes this.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Der_Ryan_M View Post
    Everyone has to decide it by himself. I am not complaining or blaming these people who buy it. For me it is not worth the token to get the 20% faster recovery and I like to do the tasks and manage my team a bit, so I can complete most of the tasks. Especially as you get the 10% faster recovery within a few days with the first tasks...

    And apart from fast recovery or maybe the bonus trainer, which we don't even have this season, there is nothing you could really need day 1 imo.
    The bonus trainer was BY FAR the best reward. That’s probably why it has been dropped!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Citizen Cained View Post
    The bonus trainer was BY FAR the best reward. That’s probably why it has been dropped!
    It was there last season, i usually don't buy premium but i notice the prizes rotate a little bit.

    This year no 5% mourinho support but rather 4%+4%