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Thread: People ranting about the game being pay to win

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2022

    Lightbulb People ranting about the game being pay to win

    I know this thread is not that important but i want to say this for the non-spenders.
    I am a non spender too. But spenders on this game is not really that big of a deal. I know that will give you an edge over non-spenders. But honestly you dont need to spend a lot of tokens every seasons, i spend like 50 tokens and got more than 60 every season consistently. You can get more with the free token offers.
    So the only thing you need is patience and 15-20 minutes of your time everyday. I mean thats a common sense. Of course spenders would pace the game faster than us. So here is some tips for the free players.

    1. Watch ads to get 25 green boosters everyday, save it to train 1 player every season or something like that.
    2. Its ok to not level up every season. You can train your team to increase team quality at that season which you dont level up.
    3. Dont buy so many new players every season. use your academy and event players to replace low star players when you level up.
    4. Only power train young players as they get stats easier than old player.
    5. Team quality/stars difference doesnt really matter that much if you can counter their strategy. i've won a match with almost 20% difference away (we both dont watch the match)
    6. Watch guides on youtube its worth it.

    I guess thats all im going to say bye. Also english is not my first language so im sorry if you feel this thread is confusing.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2022
    That sounds good advice. Being new to the game I spent loads initially and thought it was a total rip off. The events organized give you basically nothing in return.

    I’ll try what you’ve said about not spending much and see what happens. It is a great game but I think it is spoilt by the owners being extremely greedy

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    That is good advice.

    The problem is that non-spenders can never win anything.
    You are always placed in a league, or cups with big spenders, which gives them an unfair advantage.

    The competitions should be set up by how much you spent the previous season.
    That way all the spenders can compete to see who can buy the most trophies and us pleasure players get to compete fairly.
    maurizio2208 and United2019 like this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    But that would be unfair for spenders than.
    The problem is that league system is old and should be changed to something new. It could be like association model where are divisions and you climb up the ladders. So the best players would play in higher divisions, medium to medium divisions, bots and weak players to lower divisions.
    maurizio2208 likes this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    In my opinion spending gives you acess to what other players (non spenders) can achiver through hard work, the onyl exception are the playstyles.

    Hope developers don't change the things as they are the game needs both type of players
    PaulG likes this.

  6. #6
    Famous Sillybq's Avatar
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    Oct 2019
    Been told it depends on level, luck of draw and many other factors. It is definitely pay to win for players who are able to commit time and effort and if the amount invested is substantial.

    I have had special sponsor before and it does help save alot of time and make our teams stronger. It’s effect can be compounded and is significant if purchased consistently.
    Last edited by Sillybq; 05-18-2022 at 04:35 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2021
    It's only pay per win.
    If you have in your competition some active spenders you have no chances.
    I completely agree with criticisms to current draw and league models.
    I have a 120% team at the beginning of the season (140% at the end) but in the last 4 month I was always drawn with the same 4 spenders and I had to fight for the 5th place.
    Really frustrating and boring. At least please mix those servers if really there are more servers, so that at least I could play against other spenders.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by th67 View Post
    That sounds good advice. Being new to the game I spent loads initially and thought it was a total rip off. The events organized give you basically nothing in return.

    I’ll try what you’ve said about not spending much and see what happens. It is a great game but I think it is spoilt by the owners being extremely greedy

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Trouble is now, that players put their worst team up before you are put into a league, then they are buying up big then they are almost double the strength for that competition. Call it smart if you want, but what chance does anyone have against that, you might jag a goal against them, but he will score at least 4 plus. So thats what im seeing lately, i guess he feels good about himself, but longtime players are leaving in droves cause they arnt cheating big spenders! Whats the enjoyment in that? I like playing against guys that are around my level. Anyway what do u guys think?

    Sent from my A1601 using Tapatalk

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    Some players are just putting there crappy reserves up while league being sorted then once their in the league the game thinks is your level, they buy up big n put in their best side in some cases is double the strength to the rest,, i mean you might think thats smart, but no one enjoys playing against someone who does that! Players leaving because of it, if you havnt got the balls to compete on an even playing field, go n play candy crush!! The game should recognize this straight up n put them where they belong in a league they are matched to. What do you guys think?

    Sent from my A1601 using Tapatalk
    Smooth™ likes this.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by Redblood FC View Post
    Some players are just putting there crappy reserves up while league being sorted then once their in the league the game thinks is your level, they buy up big n put in their best side in some cases is double the strength to the rest,, i mean you might think thats smart, but no one enjoys playing against someone who does that! Players leaving because of it, if you havnt got the balls to compete on an even playing field, go n play candy crush!! The game should recognize this straight up n put them where they belong in a league they are matched to. What do you guys think?

    Sent from my A1601 using Tapatalk
    It's another of the tricks allowed by this pay per win game in order to favor spenders.
    I already suggested many times to consider the maximum strength of the team reached in the previous season.
    But of course this does not encourage the sel and buy mechanism. It would be too fair for this stupid game

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