I know this thread is not that important but i want to say this for the non-spenders.
I am a non spender too. But spenders on this game is not really that big of a deal. I know that will give you an edge over non-spenders. But honestly you dont need to spend a lot of tokens every seasons, i spend like 50 tokens and got more than 60 every season consistently. You can get more with the free token offers.
So the only thing you need is patience and 15-20 minutes of your time everyday. I mean thats a common sense. Of course spenders would pace the game faster than us. So here is some tips for the free players.

1. Watch ads to get 25 green boosters everyday, save it to train 1 player every season or something like that.
2. Its ok to not level up every season. You can train your team to increase team quality at that season which you dont level up.
3. Dont buy so many new players every season. use your academy and event players to replace low star players when you level up.
4. Only power train young players as they get stats easier than old player.
5. Team quality/stars difference doesnt really matter that much if you can counter their strategy. i've won a match with almost 20% difference away (we both dont watch the match)
6. Watch guides on youtube its worth it.

I guess thats all im going to say bye. Also english is not my first language so im sorry if you feel this thread is confusing.