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Thread: Season 158 - Are you ready?

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    With performance like this, losing 0-1 from 9th team on my turf... 4-star in their defence tackling like a 9-star

    Season 158 - Are you ready?-1feeeeeeeeeeeeeee.jpg
    Season 158 - Are you ready?-1feeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.jpg
    Season 158 - Are you ready?-1feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.jpg
    Black & White likes this.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Enough is enough...

    Season 158 - Are you ready?-1fd.jpg

  3. #63
    Join Date
    May 2022
    Well, the other team that I watch from time to time gets in the final of the Cup but everything would be fine if the 2 of the best players are suspended for gathering the 5 yellow cards. And in advance, we all know who will be the winner.

  4. #64
    Join Date
    May 2022
    I reached cup final without any difficulties. If there are no big surprises, I should win this trophy.

    Season 158 - Are you ready?-1.jpg

    An important victory today and a huge step towards the league trophy. Nothing is over yet, considering that I have a few very difficult games ahead of me, but 11 points certainly leaves space for mistake.

    Season 158 - Are you ready?-2.jpg

    Season 158 - Are you ready?-3.jpg

  5. #65
    Join Date
    May 2022
    Nice game. 3 shots 3 goals, my team 5 shots 1 goal, and only 20% efficiency.
    Season 158 - Are you ready?-screenshot-20220525-145950-top-eleven.jpg

    And this was also an interesting game the team beats the other in the final with to players' send-off. Jose Mourinho style.
    Season 158 - Are you ready?-screenshot-20220614-070035-top-eleven.jpg
    Last edited by Bilko1; 06-14-2022 at 04:17 PM.

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Bilko1 View Post
    Nice game. 3 shots 3 goals, my team 5 shots 1 goal, and only 20% efficiency.
    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	139596

    And this was also an interesting game the team beats the other in the final with to players' send-off. Jose Mourinho style.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screenshot-20220614-070035-Top-Eleven.jpg 
Views:	52 
Size:	31.3 KB 
ID:	139597
    I'm always happy when my player gets sent off in a match because it improves my chances of winning especially if it wasn't a key player.

    The only downside is that the player will be suspended for the next match.

  7. #67
    Join Date
    May 2022
    The best thing is that in the final of the Cup I have suspended 2 players of my starting 11, and more interesting thing is that in the next final in the SL I have 2 red cards for 2 of my best players on the team

  8. #68
    Apprentice DoctorRedDevil's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quality-wise this is comfortably the best team I have ever had and I was playing on-again off-again for 8 years. Whole line-up with at least six stars, two with seven and one with eight. Many have SAs and playstyles. Young-ish team. Devoted time to accumulate rests and train them throughout the season. Finished most tasks, did well in a few events.

    The end result? Trophyless season. Didn't get even close to any of them. Destroyed in CL quarters by a team with same quality. I guess he must have had the perfect counter formation for me so no biggie, my fault.

    Scrambling in the league for top 4 which I am not even invested in much as I want to win the Super League at some point after having won the Champions League last season, while a few of my clown teammates in associations won't even achieve promotion so there go the multipliers down the drain.

    The cup elimination annoys me the most. A near 120% quality opponent in the semi again. Hardly stood a chance when I was barely over 100%. I even managed to scramble the return home leg 1-0 but only after being destroyed in the first leg 3-0. You absolutely CAN'T convince me that a level 3 manager can assemble a team that strong without some financial aid or some other method I'd rather not bring up.

    I actually don't mind these troll results we often speak of. Looking at the table now, some of them denied me a realistic shot at the league title. You win some you lose some. Love the thrill, the unpredictability. I'd take that over cruising to trophies. Some of my best T11 moments were surreal underdog wins. It's the lack of chance to compete that makes me boil. And it has never been harder than now.

    Up until recently I wasn't even taking a look at the premium rewards for completing special sponsor tasks. Once I looked deeper and saw some of them, I was wondering why was I such a klutz trying everything to solve tasks and gain the humongous ten rests, those BREATHTAKING EXCLUSIVE EMBLEMS and BEAUTIFUL PITCH PATTERNS. And don't get me started on the boost lab rewards. Apparently all it takes is a few bucks to Nordeus to assemble a Galactico team and buy yourself trophies. And I always seem to stumble into one of those in every competition nowadays.

    The worst thing is, because all I want with every club is to win every competition once, I am actually blaming myself for being in this mess by creating this club on the 3rd day of the season, when I was already eliminated from the cup by a bot. 90% chance I would have won that tournament if I just showed up in time to assemble a decent team in the first two days. But I'll continue to try. New season new chances I suppose...
    Black & White likes this.
    United FC: 6 leagues (1 invincible), 1 cup, 2 CLs
    St. Tropez 1964: 6 leagues (1 inv), 1 cup, 1 CL (One treble)
    Newton Heath: 7 leagues (2 inv), 1 cup, 1 CL, 1 SLs, 1 SC
    The Black Pearl: 3 leagues (1 inv), 2 cups, 1 CL, 2 SL, 1 SC
    Manchester Heath: 13 leagues (8 inv), 8 Champions Leagues, 9 Cups, 5 Super Leagues, 8 Super Cups... (Three quadruples, one Invincible season)

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Jun 2019
    A message to top eleven support

    you refuse to accept any feedback, you refuse to answer any questions, you refuse to fix issues within the game but concentrate on offering unfair events

    and you have the audacity to call yourselves support

    cleary my definition of the words customer support are a million miles away from yours
    JohnnyEye likes this.

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Samo vi nastavite da favorizujete tankere, nataknem vas na kurac!!! 29 uklizavanja prosečne odbrane, 10. na tabeli, sa minus gol razlikom i lošom formom??? Dva gola primamo iz slobodnjaka, a protivnik 18 faulova napravio i ne dadosmo nijedan!!! Ne znam ni koji sam se kurac vraćao!!! Tako je očigledno da je igra postala skriptovana 100%, u poslednjih par meseci

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    Season 158 - Are you ready?-1fcccccccc.jpg
    Season 158 - Are you ready?-1fccccccccc.jpg
    Season 158 - Are you ready?-1fcccccccccc.jpg

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