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  • 8 Post By Jandrete
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Thread: Reflections on the top eleven

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2019

    Reflections on the top eleven

    Good morning.

    I would like to comment on some things that I see lately, since this game that I like since 2011, is taking a very destructive drift focused solely on getting the most money out of the players, regardless of the quality of the game, nor the experience of play.
    The simulation of matches with 3D has gotten much worse, the simulator tends to equalize teams, it does not matter if you have your players with skills at 300% that anyone can beat you, unbalanced teams with 9-star players and others with 2 stars dominate matches totally unreal.

    You see how your strikers with shooting and definition above 300% do not stop failing against a 120% goalkeeper and that your rival shoots once on goal and scores a goal.

    Matches where your 300% dribbling forward loses the ball over and over against 100% tackling defenders
    As I say, the simulation equalizes the levels of the teams and the percentage of your players does not matter so much anymore.

    On the other hand, the sponsor is getting worse and worse, you pay to have it and then they give you annoying tasks that, more than animate the game, what causes you to have absurd expenses to be able to finish it.

    Continuous restarts of the game, bugs that do not stop appearing, a joke support that is embarrassing and answers nonsense to simple questions about the game, obviously with a total ignorance of its operation.

    And things that would be very useful, he doesn't seem to have the slightest intention of including, a tournament creation system within the game itself that doesn't have the limitations of the friendly championship, which you can create whenever you want with different game formats.

    Tactical options, which since 2011 have not changed the tactical section of the game once beyond removing and putting arrows.
    A youth academy in which you have some decision-making capacity, where you can play a youth league to see the players and decide which ones you want to promote to the team, and not what they did with the youth academy that you hire blindly, and you have to raise the player without deciding how to do it.

    Keep adding special abilities or styles, there are very few and they make the game routine, apart from all the teams being the same, they hardly have any variety in styles or abilities.

    The auction system is crazy, you can go weeks without finding the player you are looking for, looking at auctions is not the most fun of the game, they have reduced the 18 year old players so much that many times it is impossible to find them if you do not have much time to be watching every 4 minutes as the list is updated.

    But above all you have to fix the simulation of the matches, you see things that are unfortunate too often in the game, right now winning or losing depends too much on luck and a game of these does not have to work like that

  2. #2
    Moderator milpol's Avatar
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    Jul 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Jandrete View Post
    Good morning.

    I would like to comment on some things that I see lately, since this game that I like since 2011, is taking a very destructive drift focused solely on getting the most money out of the players, regardless of the quality of the game, nor the experience of play.
    The simulation of matches with 3D has gotten much worse, the simulator tends to equalize teams, it does not matter if you have your players with skills at 300% that anyone can beat you, unbalanced teams with 9-star players and others with 2 stars dominate matches totally unreal.

    You see how your strikers with shooting and definition above 300% do not stop failing against a 120% goalkeeper and that your rival shoots once on goal and scores a goal.

    Matches where your 300% dribbling forward loses the ball over and over against 100% tackling defenders
    As I say, the simulation equalizes the levels of the teams and the percentage of your players does not matter so much anymore.

    On the other hand, the sponsor is getting worse and worse, you pay to have it and then they give you annoying tasks that, more than animate the game, what causes you to have absurd expenses to be able to finish it.

    Continuous restarts of the game, bugs that do not stop appearing, a joke support that is embarrassing and answers nonsense to simple questions about the game, obviously with a total ignorance of its operation.

    And things that would be very useful, he doesn't seem to have the slightest intention of including, a tournament creation system within the game itself that doesn't have the limitations of the friendly championship, which you can create whenever you want with different game formats.

    Tactical options, which since 2011 have not changed the tactical section of the game once beyond removing and putting arrows.
    A youth academy in which you have some decision-making capacity, where you can play a youth league to see the players and decide which ones you want to promote to the team, and not what they did with the youth academy that you hire blindly, and you have to raise the player without deciding how to do it.

    Keep adding special abilities or styles, there are very few and they make the game routine, apart from all the teams being the same, they hardly have any variety in styles or abilities.

    The auction system is crazy, you can go weeks without finding the player you are looking for, looking at auctions is not the most fun of the game, they have reduced the 18 year old players so much that many times it is impossible to find them if you do not have much time to be watching every 4 minutes as the list is updated.

    But above all you have to fix the simulation of the matches, you see things that are unfortunate too often in the game, right now winning or losing depends too much on luck and a game of these does not have to work like that
    Welcome to the forum Jandrete, nice to see you here!
    I just approved your post, sorry for the delay.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Welcome to the forum.
    P.S Noone gonna listen to you .

    Your sincerely,
    Auto bot
    JohnnyEye and jarharnamme like this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Realmente, o jogo está deixando de ser prazeroso e passou a ser apelativo.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Welcome to the forum Jandrete, very nice post, well strutered and even if i disagree on you slightly its the first time a see a post so weel presented, its good to have people like you here!

    Hope this thoughts reach Nordeus

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    that never reach nordeus mind lol, i can add dozen other situations but i 100% support your opinion about simulator, if game tended to balance players so they be more equal no matter of % power, than they could remove lvl restrictions for league, and make it randomly, it is boring to meat with same teams again and again season after season and they are stronger than season before even lose one star while i strugle to reach 110 at season end

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by jandrete View Post
    good morning.


    You see how your strikers with shooting and definition above 300% do not stop failing against a 120% goalkeeper and that your rival shoots once on goal and scores a goal.

    Matches where your 300% dribbling forward loses the ball over and over against 100% tackling defenders

    hahaha this means no more advantage to mutants!! Mutants are not realistic, imagine a mutant with 300% shooting skill with only 1% strength, in the real world, a small gush of wind would make him fall down and crack his ribs!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2022

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Been playing over 10 years as well and agree with a lot of what you say.
    One thing that's always really annoyed me and has never changed is that when you buy a player on auction it would be so good if he carried forward any training of SA or position to his new owner. On the auction list you don't have to show the progress, just what is being trained
    Don't know how many players I've sold who were close to a new ability or position in training and that was all lost due to transfer.
    What a great bonus for the buyer as well finding a player who hardly needed trained .