Typical Nordeus scam like all the others "feature" they have introduced in the last few years
Typical Nordeus scam like all the others "feature" they have introduced in the last few years
Maybe just luck but this worked for me. If you do not pick a red card on level 2, look where red card is - box 1, box 2, box 3 or box 4. Make a mental note and pick that box on level 3. Again look where red card is, make a mental note and pick that box on level 4. Again make a note of where the red card was but for a different reason because from memory, level 5 has no red card so pick any box. On level 6, do NOT pick the box where the red card was on level 4 because it will repeat and you will lose. On level 7 pick the box where the red card was on levels 4 and 6. Make a note of where the red card was on 7 and pick this box for level 8. Repeat the same process for level 9, level 10 has no red card so pick any box. Then quit before you start believing you are invincible 🤣
That doesn’t work, I did this event many times before, same way you suggest. And today I got 2 red cards already on level 4!!!I am so mad! And they put it in effin special sponsor now just to F us even more. Unbelievable!!!!
I went as far as Level 35, spent about 500T in rejoins but accumulated around 300T plus a ton of useful stuff so I'm happy enough. Following the Red card does not work by the way, it is completely random.
ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
Level 131
50 League
8 Champions/Elite League
4 Super League/Gold Cup
12 Cup
1 Super Cup
Top Eleven Forum Moderator
I guess level 10 wasn’t enough for them because now in the SS we have to reach level 15..