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Hi I just wanted to try and understand something if anyone has had a similar experience I played a team in my league I prefaced I won 2-0 which in the end is the what counts but my team is 117 this one was 88.6 with the same formation I have literally destroyed teams with a higher percentage tonight my team seemed disorganized like it was not following the tactics I gave it, I had down both flanks they kept attacking down the middle, I have a very good DMC playmaker instead of directing the plays he just was trying to do everything himself, my wingers totally sucked and usually they are very good and they played against a much inferior defense, my ST totally missing in action, they must have missed 5 or 6 shots that all other times would have been scores and to top it all off the team was 99% superb morale and training bonuses 40% I cannot understand why they so much underperformed against a team that they should have dominated and trounced, now I am worried because my ST and wingers have been a bit underperfoming and I have two very important matches tomorrow, anyone have some suggestions, by the way I use a 4-5-1 V that has been very succesful in the past in attack