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  • 1 Post By MARCO CAIA

Thread: Impossible Special Sponsor task

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Impossible Special Sponsor task

    There is a Special Sponsor task that states: “Win 15 points in Phase 1 of the Unite Cup event”. Every phase has 90 points and you cannot play a phase when the maximum number of points is reached. An association has 6 members, who all want to complete the Special Sponsor task.

    How to achieve this?

    The only option I can think of, is following.
    - Play phase 1 until it has almost 90 points, preferably 89.
    - Pick an exact time for all 6 association members to play their next game in phase 1.
    - Make sure that the last player starts his game before the first one finishes.
    - Make sure that everybody scores one goal at least,

    All in all this seams almost impossible to achieve.

    How do others see this?

  2. #2
    Addicted po_zdrach's Avatar
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    Feb 2013
    Just a ****!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2023
    I completed this just played 2 games won 5-0 each game. luckly i did this before anyone in my association played.

    the impossible task for me is assist (I think its 15 times) with a player over 150% the only people who can actually do this task is the paying people.

    There are many tasks that only can be done by spending money and i think its BS

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2023
    The ones involving coaching hires are also ridiculous. You are required to spend either real money or many tokens to train a player who, in the case of tokens, sits out at least half of the season only to lose 20% of its quality at the end of it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by vinim View Post
    The ones involving coaching hires are also ridiculous. You are required to spend either real money or many tokens to train a player who, in the case of tokens, sits out at least half of the season only to lose 20% of its quality at the end of it.
    exactly right! These people are highway robbers period! I wrote several times there is a way to fix this and make this a fairer game and playable for everyone who wants to spend or not. First of all the way to fix things is to do away with taking the 20% away. It makes absolutely no sense at all. First of all teams do not promote from one league to another in infinity At some point one must reach a level and either stay there or be relegated to a lower league, still, No one ought to lose 20% If they only allowed the first four to promote and the last four to relegate and the rest to stay in the same level all the teams eventually would even out to be in a league with teams that are in range of quality one with another, in other words rarely we would have teams that are 20-30-40% stronger in any league. The way we fix the coaches and sponsor tasks mentioned is this way. First of all any player who gets placed in a coaching academy should be there ALL season long and be available only next season
    Those tasks in special sponsors are truly ridiculous and unfair. ALL coaches, in both training academy and youth, are ridiculously priced anyway. Another thing that needs to be changed that would improve greatly the game is to make players available to be bought on the first 5 days of the season and the first three of the second leg of the league. Negotiations ought to be open between all managers all season long but only to be able to finalize the deal during the open market days. Tokens and money should all be set at a minimum according to the quality of players and then negotiated. All competitions should have prices similar to what one gets in the Association. CL and SL should only be available to qualify teams that make the top league as I mentioned before. This system is all wrong, it's just a money-making machine. Sadly they could make even more money if their prices were lower and the game fairer. I believe these changes I delineated would revolutionize the game and make it better for everyone The tasks must be changed for sure. They should all be tasks all can achieve no matter if they spend money or not. Training tasks are good, you know, the ones we train so many times categories of players or the team condition, or reachable results in games. These should be the only tasks to fulfill. Oh, another thing, we should be able to receive special abilities and roles in a much easier fashion and we should be able to cancel a special ability or role once we begin training for it or we should be able to complete a training of one when or if one reaches the task in special sponsor. The rewards in the free Boost also should be increased, it's a joke they give you one of each booster. It's an insult I think. At the very least three of each and ten in the 4.99 pay option. That's my take
    vinim likes this.

  6. #6
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vinim View Post
    The ones involving coaching hires are also ridiculous. You are required to spend either real money or many tokens to train a player who, in the case of tokens, sits out at least half of the season only to lose 20% of its quality at the end of it.
    I do agree with this. As most of the time this will involve spending money.
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  7. #7
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    We passed the feedback...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    We passed the feedback...
    It does not matter but thanks for believing. I have proof that this game is rigged 100% and in addition, I am not imagining things nor is it coincidental, I truly believe that this game somehow has set algorithms to disfavor a team at any given time and even for an entire season. This is that season for me. It does not matter if every game my team is in exceptional preparation, it does not matter if I have a bunch of players on fire, it does not matter with what formation I play or what tactics I use every game is rigged against my team. I have plenty of examples. Two in particular today I was playing a league game and dominated the game against a stronger team, They were going nowhere, and lo and behold a little help from the Nordeus team, two uncalled-for free kicks which both get in goal. On average per game, it is a lot if one free-kick gets in, but two when the team is down one nothing and is producing no plays? Come on! How about that every single shot from my team gets blocked by a super performance of what every GK in the league and my players cannot get one shot on goal with shots that last season would have been 8 goals out of 10? All of a sudden no one knows how to score anymore? How about I play a friendly with my team at 120% against a team at 53%, Any other time I would have won 10-0 but not this season, No, this season I had a GK that blocked every shot on goal, ST and all players really who could not get one in if the GK went to the bathroom and the net was empty. Free kicks that would have been a goal in any other season this season all misses. Finally, in the last 20 minutes of the game, I got 3 goals and won 3-0 a meager result against a much weaker team. If I play against a team 75% stronger than mine I would lose 10-0. And on and on I can go this season, But Nordesu would say you are just having a bad season it happens in all managers' careers. Sure it does but, who decides in this game who and when one has a bad season? If I train all my players according to Top Eleven parameters, if I always have my team in exceptional preparation if I use counter formations and tactics given by Top Eleven, if I do all this and still these are the outcomes of 8 games out of 10 then the game is definitely rigged against me, there is no other reason. Nordeus will neither confirm nor deny but they rig the games and quite frankly I have the feeling that if a manager like me complains a lot about the game ends up being punished on purpose, takes my money, and then blackball me, great going!