Champions League Cup and League Rewards
We are getting more and more in-game features for spending that we can't even take advantage on in a small way.

What's the point on winning champions league cup or even league
all we get is useless money that are worthless and
all we can get at best is that your striker will get 30% finishing ( so will not lose 20% next season but just 18% !!!)

Those rewards are joke (there is no rewards) , we can't even get at least 1 style of play every season if you are very very very very lucky you can get on from draw frenzy.

Nice you can get 1 random special ability from special sponsor with 99% percent of penalty taker which is useless so better not to risk and train special ability by yourself

Most event are tragic for expample the Haloween event where you had to face stronger bots based on your squad % (so rewards should be based on your suqad and not the same for everyone)
And rewards were the same for example for 70% and 110% (cant rember rewards it was some 5 star player and 1 better which is useless for better squad)

I have 110% team and in the event which is currenly on I have to face 140/150 opponents with full squad of playstyles and double special abilities
where reward is a OLD 8 Star Striker with 2 abilities they don't even need .