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Thread: 720% Finishing Attribute? Is it even possible?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    720% Finishing Attribute? Is it even possible?


    Recently I have seen this user and some other users playing TE in a very strange way. They create a 3(D)-1(DMC)-5(Mid)-1(Att) combination. The GK and the Defenders are one star players, and the Midfielders and Attack players are 300-400%+. This guy’s attacker has finishing attribute at 720%??? How is that even possible? He and other such players create extremely high Attack and Midfilders which are above 300-400%. While they keep 1 star Defenders and GK so their team average stays at 120-130% and they cheat the TE server so they don’t get matched up with higher ranked teams. Is this not extremely unfair to players like us who purchase regular stuff and try to play in balance to keep this game alive. His players are extremely high ranked. How can his attacker get 720% finishing? I mean is that even possible? His most players are 300%+ If there is some way to do it, please let me know, so I can also build my team to that level.

    NB: We both are in the same level, and i have played him last season and this season too.


    720% Finishing Attribute? Is it even possible?-scrnshot-4.jpg720% Finishing Attribute? Is it even possible?-scrnshot-2.jpg720% Finishing Attribute? Is it even possible?-scrnshot-3.jpg720% Finishing Attribute? Is it even possible?-scrnshot.jpg
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    He spends thousands of tokens on Draw Frenzy and reaches level 60 every time.
    He then uses the Training academy rewards to increase his players.
    He would also win lots of playstyle points and be able to boost his whole squad.

    The question that you should be asking is how does he get these tokens?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    He spends lots of money to get the tokens. Maybe the real question is why. It must get boring winning every season. I personally don't put money into the game and prefer the challenge every season of coping with what I've got and only improve my squad when I have to.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Staggy Stagg View Post
    He spends lots of money to get the tokens. Maybe the real question is why. It must get boring winning every season. I personally don't put money into the game and prefer the challenge every season of coping with what I've got and only improve my squad when I have to.
    maybe he spended but i highly doubt it

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Few years ago, i Saw something here about the attributs.
    The New rules said that thé attributs (AVG) can't be higher than 180%.

    I mean, the AVG Can be higher than 180% but the game retains only 180%.
    Above 180% is lost with this rule.

    This rule still exist or not ?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Foreverbx View Post
    Few years ago, i Saw something here about the attributs.
    The New rules said that thé attributs (AVG) can't be higher than 180%.

    I mean, the AVG Can be higher than 180% but the game retains only 180%.
    Above 180% is lost with this rule.

    This rule still exist or not ?
    not sure, i had player on who i throwed everything possible, he goes to close to 200 at the end of season, i know it bcs next season he entered with 178, so it might not show but it count

  7. #7
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Foreverbx View Post
    Few years ago, i Saw something here about the attributs.
    The New rules said that thé attributs (AVG) can't be higher than 180%.

    I mean, the AVG Can be higher than 180% but the game retains only 180%.
    Above 180% is lost with this rule.

    This rule still exist or not ?
    You are talking about the 180% drill rule, the skills, and basically AvQ can overcome the 180% when you train or, when you get different rewards from challanges and for ex. you get +5% Heading, and ofc with some of the new features like Draw Frenzy and the team coaches you can achieve these distances.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    You are talking about the 180% drill rule, the skills, and basically AvQ can overcome the 180% when you train or, when you get different rewards from challanges and for ex. you get +5% Heading, and ofc with some of the new features like Draw Frenzy and the team coaches you can achieve these distances.
    Going off my team at 118 - you can use a personal trainer for under 30 year olds upto 200%, so if canny go to 199% then get another 4% so 203% - it is 320 tokens each 4% so would add up, but if you have enough tokens?
    khris likes this.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by satyajitdas20 View Post

    Recently I have seen this user and some other users playing TE in a very strange way. They create a 3(D)-1(DMC)-5(Mid)-1(Att) combination. The GK and the Defenders are one star players, and the Midfielders and Attack players are 300-400%+. This guy’s attacker has finishing attribute at 720%??? How is that even possible? He and other such players create extremely high Attack and Midfilders which are above 300-400%. While they keep 1 star Defenders and GK so their team average stays at 120-130% and they cheat the TE server so they don’t get matched up with higher ranked teams. Is this not extremely unfair to players like us who purchase regular stuff and try to play in balance to keep this game alive. His players are extremely high ranked. How can his attacker get 720% finishing? I mean is that even possible? His most players are 300%+ If there is some way to do it, please let me know, so I can also build my team to that level.

    NB: We both are in the same level, and i have played him last season and this season too.


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    well you know according to the professors of football management we should not be complaining about these things we should just suck it up and play and lose and be happy. Hey it's just a game after all, it does not matter if all this defies reality and these people are allowed this crap. This is what we have been talking about and we have been told that these things would be addressed and changed but obviously, they are only and always lying to us. This crap my dear professors who can easily win against 15% opponents, so they say about you, these are the very reasons why we get pissed off.