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  • 1 Post By dave1311
  • 1 Post By Woodentop

Thread: King of Kings

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    King of Kings

    I'm one of the whipping boys, nearly everyone is 60% higher than me. The only chance I have is if the others can't be bothered to play.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    The game has disappeared from my bar for me. Hopefully it's everyone or else it's kinda pointless playing if some in the same 'league' can still access KoK and some can;t

  3. #3
    Newbie JustinXI's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Yes the KoK event has disappeared for me too and some of the teams are stronger than me, it’s also causing the app to crash sometimes but maybe it’s just my phone.
    King of Kings used to be fun to play but not as much anymore, the finals phase feels like a waste of time when most of the teams are much stronger. It should be a more even playing field imo

  4. #4
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    Northallerton, United Kingdom
    There was an issue with KoK which has now been resolved. Annoying though as I lost a couple of hours and the chance to do a clean sweep.

    Sent from my CPH2449 using Tapatalk
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    ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by dave1311 View Post
    There was an issue with KoK which has now been resolved. Annoying though as I lost a couple of hours and the chance to do a clean sweep.

    Sent from my CPH2449 using Tapatalk
    Not resolved for me, 4 hours into the next stage and I still can't access it, when I try to claim the Daily Result it just buffers and I have to close the app and reopen it .
    I can play the rest of the game but that doesn't resolve the KoK problem

  6. #6
    Newbie JustinXI's Avatar
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    Apr 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by dave1311 View Post
    There was an issue with KoK which has now been resolved. Annoying though as I lost a couple of hours and the chance to do a clean sweep.

    Sent from my CPH2449 using Tapatalk
    Not resolved for me either, I thought it was just my phone but seems like this KoK issue is affecting others too. Very annoying as I can’t claim the Daily result/award and play matches in the next stage, hopefully it will be resolved very soon.
    I think they rushed through all the new app updates which has made the game on mobile unstable!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Still not working.
    Means I miss out on the daily reward and the Special Sponsor 'Qualify for the Finals of the KoK event.'
    As I'm on browser and already disadvantaged with no videos this just makes it all the worse.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Yes, there was a problem with the KoK competition (as there always is) - do they care or offer compensation? The easy answer is “NO.”
    vinim likes this.