Poor people. If you are just a new and "sane" gamer with a few minutes playing t11 every day, or some days, they can not know they are been penaltys with ball possesion 20-80% for their opponents. Even either at the help section says anything about this...
I am seen a player level 1 (and finishing 19th at the league) he is buying (bidding) one of my dollplayer.
His formation is 2DCn, 3DMCw, etc.
He won't be able to understand why he always is getting only 20%possession and I suppose he will resign the game, unless he is one like me and some of us, that search information and look for a helping hand to search out why his team has so little possesion.
The right thing of this point to do for nordeus, is to put information about the ilegality at the game (much better than at his help section, but even this there is no information at its help section. But at least at the help section could avoid a lot of resign because this possession frustration.
And by the way, in my opinion, it shouldn't be illegal only Defenders if at leaste there is 1 DML/C/R or even more legal if there are 2 DMs.
Very important for people, and for nordeus itself, if there is easy-near-direct information about illegal formation and its "penalty" 20-80...