Scout players are the 6 star players which cost 50 tokens and all of them have special abilities.
most token buyers look to buy scouts but after finally unlocking the negotiations feature im thinking that negotiations can be a better option than a scout player.
In my nego list, there are all 5 star players, either with special ability or not, most of them having it.
the lowest age of a scout is 22, however in negotiations you can even buy 18 year old players
instead of paying 50T you can pay less to buy a 5* player who is just 1 or only a little pts away from becoming scout.
I have to pay 10T initial fees for a player 18 years old, along with 2 tokens for every token i offer, so if you offer like 10T to the player you would end up paying 30T altogether but still 20 tokens less than a scout, and 18 year olds train fast so he'll become your scout player in no time.
however the downside of negotiations is that the person who owns the player might reject your player
but in my opinion, i'd rather use the negotiations instead of scout
what do you think?