I thought the same like you but.......
Lets say you have 6 star players even 7 star
It's ok to keep low rating players because the cup fix match
My team is 67.5 for the next season I will get teams the same rating as mine so it will be lvl 12-13
And I will be next season lvl 10
This season in the cup I beat teams lvl 11
Meaning high star players mixed with low star rating players
Will give u fair chance in the cup fixture for next season.
That's the problem with cup fixing sometimes thy give you higher rating teams because of
The rating system.
After season start he can sell players and he won't lose much
It's batter to get fair matches then unfair matches
Next season I probably get higher team lvl' then me
Because I don't have low rating players this season
As you can see.