So here's the deal:
In my very short experience of T11 i couldn't figure out what are the most important factors to maximize my winning chances.
Lets draw them down:
- Formation
- Orders
- Quality
- Ratings
- Skills
- Supporter Advantage
- Condition
- Morale
- Boosters
- Factor X
1. Formation
Now i've heard several versions which importance this Factors and its either big or small. In one guide i've been told that you can use kinds of counter Formations. If the opponent uses 2 ST you should have at least 3 Defenders to "counter" them for example (and vice versa). On the other hand to counter a 3 DC defense Setup you use 1 ST and a set of wingers (AML, AMR).
The other "guide" basically says to go for 1 Formation which suits your Team best and go with it. (kinda "never change a winning team" like)
2. Orders
Same story here basically you either change your Orders according to your Formation or keep up one style of play.
3. Quality
Now as for the quality of the players i use to give less credit then to their spot on the pitch. Now here's the problem. Either quality matters only a little or it does matter a lot. Just today i got told that quality ist the most important thing to have in mind. Always put your best squad on the pitch just make sure its a
legal formation. I'm not very sure about that because i've lost a fair share of games against teams a lot less rated then mine.
4. Rating
Ratings are very tricky to me..or i'm just to stupid to figure it out. I never had any constant low rated players. I mostly have the jumpers which look like this for example: "8-6-9-7-8-5"
To this day i have no clue how this value gets calculated cause as ST getting a 6 after scoring a hattrick is kinda weird.
5. Skills
Not much to say here. Had all my young high value players pick a skill according to their position and have some skilled up till now. Tho i can't say if it makes any difference to before. NEEEXT
6. Supporter Advantage
I try to watch as many of my games as i can and i've seen only very little other players (in my leagues) doing this. I believe it doesent matter at all if you watch a game or not because i've lost soooooo many matches (even against bots) against really low rated teams.
7. Condition
Not much to say either only that i always make sure they are in the greens (80% or higher) before every game.
8. Morale
Same as condition.
9. Factor X
Factor X is what i call the "lottery" Factor. Its basically a Coin-Flip system which says either A or B (or C as Draw in our case). If this really exists it basically eradicates the importance of points 1-8.

I like this has a lot of potential but the lack of control gives it a bittersweet touch. Now i'm looking for some people that can supply me with some sugar to solve this problem. I'm not asking for a solution to win every game but i would like to gain a bit more control. Bad Beats can happen but it should stay within a reasonable amount.
Thanks for taking your time reading this mess.