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Thread: I have over 4k fans, but my stadium isn't full

  1. #11
    Rookie Daffa the Mage's Avatar
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    Champ. League are highest in amount of ticket value income, they're the highest.
    Cup are higher than League, it should yield more ticket income.
    League are lesser than the rest but still yield a good amount of ticket value.
    Friendly Match are the least income source, set it to 1 (maybe 2/10 Levels).

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    So, I'm only at level 2. Does this mean that if I build a 3.000 capacity stadium, I will only get a maximum of 2.500 fans in it? Also, will you only get a 5% possession bonus no matter what the capacity is?

    Second, keeping in mind that I am only L2. I found with some simple math, that a higher ticket price, while keeping fans away, still made me more money. I set my games at $7, and was getting 935/1000. Which is of course $6.545. But if I drop the price to $6 a game, I only get $6.000 if I max out capacity. Just remember that!

  3. #13
    English Forum Moderator Cat Harrison's Avatar
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    But attendance for me isnt about the $, it's about the bonus possession. I have my ticket prices at my League level, cos I don't feel like doing math, but I am reliably informed that if you divide the max amount by 4 and set it to that you should have a full stadium.

    Here's capacities to get "full" attendance:

    L1 - 800
    L2 - 2,500
    L3 - 6,000
    L4 - 11,500
    L5 - 19,000
    L6 - 28,000
    L7 - 40,000
    L8 - 53,500
    L9 - 69,000
    L10 - 86,500
    L11 - 106,000
    L12 - 127,500
    L13 - 151,000
    L14 - 176,500
    L15 - 204,000
    L16 onwards - 260,000
    Expressed above is my own opinion. Your results may vary.
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  4. #14
    Rookie DamonAlbarn's Avatar
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    5/4 Street of El Manana, 19-2000 Melancholy Hill, Plastic Beach.
    Quote Originally Posted by ShihabHB View Post
    I don't really remember as I am level 10 now .. I set the price to $18 to get full attendance .. If I make it $19 then less fans will attend so I have to keep it at $18.

    Keep trying .. every game till you get the maximum.
    I tried putting $8 for all tournament. My attendance dropped drastically. 1.3k+/3k. Then, i reduced them to $6, my attendance climbed back to 2.3k+/3k. But still, my stadium isn't full. I'm currently building a bigger stadium because i now have over 9k fans

  5. #15
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    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Cat Harrison View Post
    But attendance for me isnt about the $, it's about the bonus possession. I have my ticket prices at my League level, cos I don't feel like doing math, but I am reliably informed that if you divide the max amount by 4 and set it to that you should have a full stadium.

    Here's capacities to get "full" attendance:

    L1 - 800
    L2 - 2,500
    L3 - 6,000
    L4 - 11,500
    L5 - 19,000
    L6 - 28,000
    L7 - 40,000
    L8 - 53,500
    L9 - 69,000
    L10 - 86,500
    L11 - 106,000
    L12 - 127,500
    L13 - 151,000
    L14 - 176,500
    L15 - 204,000
    L16 onwards - 260,000
    So are you saying, that in a capacity of 1,000K divide that by 4, and set that the price? So $250 for the price??? That seems outrageous, but it would make a killing.

  6. #16
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    My opinion is that for sure 1$ per level as a ticket price, sometimes in one level +2... but I'm level 13 and have 17-18$ or so.

  7. #17
    Champion Dman2pt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stuptown FC View Post
    So are you saying, that in a capacity of 1,000K divide that by 4, and set that the price? So $250 for the price??? That seems outrageous, but it would make a killing.
    No, try to put the ticket price the highest you can, fir example is the maximum price is 80€, then put the price at 20€ and you Will have full atendance, this is for LEAGUE in CL and CUP you can increase the price 1€.

    In friendly sabe carefull in level 10 i only have full stadium with 2€ tickets.

  8. #18
    Rookie DamonAlbarn's Avatar
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    Finally got my stadium filled up full again. I reduced my ticked price from 8 to 5 for all tournaments, but i think champions league can go to $6. Very happy to get my full 5% possession again but not quite happy about the ticket income

  9. #19
    English Forum Moderator Cat Harrison's Avatar
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    I meant the maximun price of the ticket, divided by 4. But you seem to have solved your attendance problems.
    Expressed above is my own opinion. Your results may vary.
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