Win the final round of betting with 0 remaining tokens
I did this, but didn't get the achievement.
Is it necessary that someone else bid on the player as well? (bought the player without any one else bidding on him).
So I'm not gonna go for that (even though this is the moment, as I currently have only 1 token).
I only want go for achievements which I can get for sure without wasting too many tokens. There's nothing I get back so why doing that.
Firing a player about to quit only costs little so I did that. I'm not gonna lose a player because of debt, bidding on players with the hope I get them with my last token, send official items or spending 50+ tokens for one player in a bidding war (not knowing that other managers will go for 50+ as well, with the risk getting the player for 49 tokens). I'm also not going to ask many people to add me to have 5 friends presents. Having no defeats in a season is something I always go for, but that should just happen; I'm not taking over a lower level team to achieve that.
There's only one achievement which I want and can get: Is present in a game on your biggest stadium completely full
It was fun to get the achievements and when I complete this one I have 10/16. But I guess that it will take a while since it takes several seasons to have the biggest possible stadium.
for the never walk alone achievement, does it have to be just the "normal" level 15 stadium or do i need all seats upgraded too?
16 seasons played
server 221
strictly free to play, we don't buy tokens
we didn't tank yet
"Spit" achievement is one of the most difficult because it's totally random.
here is case of a friend
it's just happened.
I don't have mine but it was in a game, I was winning 1-0, then the oppo manager start watching the game and all of a sudden my player spits on another. This is something that happens, I mean if the oppo manager is coming in the game, something is happening. There is a reaction in the program.
Anyway, I was happy I get that without hunting it or loosing anything.
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Seat upgrade is impossible if the stadium itself can't be upgraded. At max level stadium, there is no seat upgrade.
Seat upgrades are actually partial upgrades for stadium upgrade. After completing a seat upgrade, the cost, build time and effects for further upgrades will decrease accordingly. If you login daily it is best to do the smallest seat upgrade first as the new seats will be available eariler, while the total cost and time needed to upgrade for the next stadium stay the same.
Upgrading directly to next stadium will complete all the seat upgrades not built yet, but you need to wait longer before new seats become available.
When you get the level 15 stadium , then you can upgrade seats three times to reach 260 000 seats which is currently the max !
Then to achieve " never walk alone " you need to full all seats ( 260000/260000 ) , but it's only available at level 16 because in lower level there is " caps " for stadium attendance !
Looks like I have bad memory as I got all buildings at max level like two years ago
Although the whole thing cost around 2b to build it is actually easy to earn that past manager level 15