I need help
I'm a beginner lvl 1. and I made many mistakes in this league.
Firstly, selling LOTS of my team with having like 3-5 subs left and when i have injuries i get problems.
2nd. I sold 1 or 2 young players coz i didnt know about their importance and saw good money coming from them.
I bought all 4 star players and I was like I'm gonna win this league coz my team rating is above 15 and the rest are in 12 or 13's
but my all players form is 7 8 or 9, and i get beat by lower teams too which is a bit frustrating.
Although I made many mistakes I did make a good team and then after reading this forum I found out formations also count
So I need help with formations and my team.
I have a 3-2-3-2 team
2 STs
3 MC
3 DC and GK. I have mentality attacking, I have put red arrows on the MC's and strikers and blue on the rest of the team.
Any help I can get on what orders I should give to make this formation effective as well as any good formation I can try next season. And is there any way I can buy a five star player without having to waste 20 tokens on them.
When you see the stronger opponents ,you should be play with normal mentality,when you see the weaker opponents ,you should be play with attack mentality .
For arrow you should be put red arrow in position that your player stronger than opponents and for blue arrow I usually put on DMC or DC.
I hope my suggestion can help you.
Good luck.
Well in my league, against the competition I have left now. According to team ratings im way ahead, im on 17 and they are around 13-14.
I have put attack mentality and have given my MC's and ST's the red arrow. My MC's are of 19 quality while a ST is 21, and a 19.
I used to tick the force counterattacks till I found out It was not me doing the counterattacks it was forcing the other team to do one.
I have also noticed, my best striker(21) misses one on one opportunities alot and most of the time passes the ball, even on a one on one opportunity for some reason. I have distributed the stats equally too, I don't know whats up, the 2nd striker does most of the goals or my MC's
Đ¢oday I realised SMS for 17 tokens and I got none. Can someone help me ?
Don't put Red arrows on Strikers.... they are already up there....
Be careful about red arrows on MCs.... if your opponent is stronger and attacks you may have trouble...
If you NEED offense mid-game... or you are much stronger.... maybe run some select red......
blue arrows on DML/DMR I would use if opponent had AML/AMR.... but probably not otherwise....
Blue arrow on center DC.... acts as a sweeper....
Good luck...
Just my opinions!
Newark City
Season 1 - 4th Place.... but hey....
Thanks alot
I removed my arrows from ST's and MC's. I will look at my opponent's stats to see whether I put an arrow on them or not.
I have put now blue arrows on the DC's. If the opponent's attack is not so good, then I can put a red arrow on one MC right?.
I was confused with arrows first, I thought it would make a player play a more attacking style but now I know it moves them further.
Thanks alot for your help. really helped me alot
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