I lost 3:4 I'm so dissapointed right now. I had 57% possession. He played with 5 defenders and scored 4 goals? This is not cool Nordeus, I'm losing faith in this game.![]()
How did he score 4 goals with 1ST and 1AMC against my 5 defenders? I had AMR and AML, I was more offensive and am better in quality team than he is. I also lost faith in people who don't see obvious things and live in the clouds, thinking they are top class managers.
Oh, I'm sorry, didn't recognize you Sir Alex.
I'm not dissing you but his 5 defenders are more defensive. You have 3 defenders, and 2 defensive midfields wingers. What makes his flanks weaker is the fact your DML/DMR support the flanks making your flanks more offensive yes. So you had 4 wingers overlapping plus 1 St that's 5 Against 5. Although he had 1 ST but you forgot to protect you hole giving his AMC freedom to run at defense. His 2MC are more supportive of attacks than yours because you run into his DMC while his MC's have more space and support. So he has slight advantage thn you plus everyone knows the front attack is more devastating than wings thus the 1st lesson learned being a defender is to cover inside and push attackers out to he wing. not your fault or trying to be smart because I'm not Sir Alex nor a great manager. My dad was a pro back home I played all my life so I'm just expressing what I know. The person advised you with the formation favors wing play and has very good players to play in the wings giving him more success while you patch up a team, switching your strength making your players play in abnormal positions. Chill out Bro!
I'm sorry mate, I overreacted. I thought you were mocking me. As you see I'm very dissapointed but I will pass. You should have told me this earlier. Life goes on, next season - next challenge. The thing is, I put very much effort in this game. I wake up almost every day at 5-6 AM to try to buy some good players since I'm not a token buyer. I watch almost every game and... 3 seasons now, I still don't have any Championship title. I have an opponent in my league, he is in my friends list, but we are not close, just a guy who I know by sight. He rarely ever watches his matches and has less average quality team than me. He won the League last season and he's in the first place now. Why? I deserve that more than him. And don't think I'm some no-lifer, lunatic or whatsoever, I just like this game and love football so much. I won't give up but, like I said, I'm losing faith bit by bit. This game really is all about the money.
ma nabijem ih 6 puta na kurac pedercine svi skupa, jebo im isus krist mater. vec 10 postova sam napiso na svoj thread i nitko ne zeli pomoc, nabijem na kurac i onog july fourth i sve ostale debile. nek si prevedu na google translate kaj sam im reko, štrokavi debili.![]()
Pomoci cu ti ja brate, nisam video da si pisao. Vidi, nisu oni duzni da nam pomognu, nije im to obaveza. Ja licno nemam nista protiv clanova foruma. Mene nervira igra, tacnije sam koncept meca (sto oni zovu "Game engine") jer je totalno nerealan. Mnogo sam se razocarao, a toliko se trudim.
ma i ja sam se 10000 puta razocarao. razorim 50 tekmi bez beda, i onda dode kmet koji je 50 puta losiji i protiv njega kiksam, ma strava.
igram za 20 minuta. http://forum.topeleven.com/tutorials...rmation-2.html
What in life isn't about money bro? You got so blue when you get beat financially in a game imagine your girl leaves you for money lol. Wish you all the best in life though. I also love football and fanatic like you but you say this game is about money then why you don't win when your team is better? I don't think it's right to tell any1 how to play but only to give their own insights. How you should play only you know best, don't trust any1 who advise you without knowing details of the 2 teams. Since you put a lot of time into the game, whenever you free msg me, we can chit chat football and exchange ideas if you don't mind.
mate just try it and see what happens