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Thread: Tactics and orders

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Tactics and orders

    Season 1 : (join at day 10) League : Winner
    Cup : Round of 16

    Season 2 : (Actual) League : 1st 8 8 0 0 43 1 +42 24
    Champions League: 1st 4 4 0 0 18 0 +12 12
    Cup : Playoffs

  2. #2
    VIP July Fourth's Avatar
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    *Retired From Top Eleven*

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    How it is possible that PGCatalin and Adel Gamal have such an extensive showroom of trophies when one is playing same formation same tactics and orders versus the other one adapting formation tactics and order???? The two technics are completely opposite. That make me questioning about the game engine???

  4. #4
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
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    Because you don't need to counter your opponents my opinion
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    That's why in this case everything is just BS

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    If you play same tactic same order same formation no matter what, and obviously it work, then what is the purpose to try to counter your opponent formation. I have to say that personally I have noticed two things: if I play the same formation for several game with same players( condition that I do not have numerous injuries) my players are getting higher stats, therefore better results ( like reel soccer you get used to your teammate and then better fluidity) but I also noticed that changing formation( the most important maybe is to get the right order with the formation including the opponent formation configuration )I have good result too ( also like in reel soccer when coaches changes tactics)...... Anyway it is not possible to replay a game to check the impact of changing tactics Vs keeping same formation then it's kind of like religion..... A question of belief!!!!!
    Ps: maybe the only way to have an idea is playing friendly game over and over changing one parameter at a time ( and even then .... Forme, moral, change in quality...etc will affect the result)
    That leave in the same questioning than the beginning...... But after all .... It's just a game fortunately real life is not like that...... or maybe it is!!!!!!!

  7. #7
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
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    Nov 2012
    Yes is like you said here: A question of belief!!!!!

    I still think is better to use same formation, nobody proved so far that is better to counter your opponents and almost all team who are doing that on forum have better quality teams comparing with their opponents.
    Orlova FC - onForum - LIKE Orlova FC - onYoutube - SUBSCRIBE Orlova FC - onFacebook

  8. #8
    Rookie Rando81's Avatar
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    best tactic and formation is brute force :P, u should be stronger than your opponents

  9. #9
    VIP July Fourth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nampion Chancy View Post
    How it is possible that PGCatalin and Adel Gamal have such an extensive showroom of trophies when one is playing same formation same tactics and orders versus the other one adapting formation tactics and order???? The two technics are completely opposite. That make me questioning about the game engine???
    It's all down to difference of opinion and how we all play this game, I tend to disagree a lot with Pricop and there will be occasions where I will also disagree with Adel as well, We all have our own style of management, I normally tend to play around 4 different formations normally favouring having far superior team quality to my opponents, When Pricop may say attacking formation, I'm likely to say defend and counter.
    *Retired From Top Eleven*

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by July Fourth View Post
    It's all down to difference of opinion and how we all play this game, I tend to disagree a lot with Pricop and there will be occasions where I will also disagree with Adel as well, We all have our own style of management, I normally tend to play around 4 different formations normally favouring having far superior team quality to my opponents, When Pricop may say attacking formation, I'm likely to say defend and counter.
    I get that, it s a matter of preference but what is not making sense is: if formation and orders are that important , prico should not be that successful using his technic of same formation same orders no matter what ..... And if it does not matter then how come Adel our yourself could be successful? The only explanation is : there is no rationality the best team win period and because you all have very good team and are active you win most of the time and when you loose you try to find a rational explanation ... My formation or my orders were not the best one!! I am going to play more feeling and I will see if it s change anything as I was saying at the beginning .... I am confuse.

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