Ok how is that 4-3-1-2 ?
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DMC acts as a shadow striker :rolleyes::rolleyes:
I gave these orders a chance (i've been playing 4-5-1 V-style for some time now) and they proved REALLY ineffective. With all my defenders and DMC on blue arrows, low press and man-to-man marking, the opposition really tore my defense to shreds!!! They kept passing in my penalty box to their liking, managing to bring the ball in the 6 yard box at will and shooting from close range! Sorry, I don't know how this can work, I find zonal marking and hard pressing a better option. Every time I've played with low press the opposition gets in my penalty area with no problem and can arrive close to the goal without being contested.
My 3w-1-3w-1-2 defensive counter attack tactic seems to work but i am thinking to switch to 4-1-3w-2 tactic... I am thinking of defensive counter attack from wings again, what is your suggestion? Should i use an attacking style? My team has 120% quality for my level.. I have good wingers
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Just going to point out, this list was posted over 1 year ago. Changes to the game engine, cause what worked previously, to no longer work.
The best managers (which I think includes the OP Beckstar), understand that when the programming code of the game engine has obviously changed, we as managers have to adjust and figure out what works post-update.
This is the most ****ing game...
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How can I lost against the tram which I beat 5-0 in league,but lost in champ league..training bonus 10â„… winning bonus high morale high...but lost in quater final of camp league....**** programming
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I m using 4-3-2-1 with AML-AMR and i think i shouldnt use this High Pressure
Indeed this is the case, we totally need to update the formations/tactics as many things changed- I'll try to do it but it's not that easy as im not as active as before.
In my personal exp some tactics worked really good in a season or two then stoped.. they keep on changing things and adding new stuff to the game so that's normal..
Because a while ago offside trap didn't make any difference. I'm not sure if it does now..
but it probabbly does as Live animation games show offsides pretty often.
The rule is pretty simple in my view: Offside ON with Defensive & Normal mentality and OFF with Attacking mentality.
On the contrary thw assistant proposes offside on with attacking mentality
Yea update would be very appreciate
I'm new to the game. This is just my first season. But I've managed to get a 6 star team and I will win the league and have a balanced match in the cup finals.
Below is the formation and the players of my opponent. He has good players in attack and defense (both on middle). He is 1 lvl above me.
Attachment 73059Attachment 73060Attachment 73061
I've got a 4-V-1 formation. My players, arrows and settings I was thinking of are following:
Attachment 73062Attachment 73063
Any suggestions are welcome.
I do have a lot of rests to train my 18-19, which form most of the team. But if it's not needed I will prefer to use them next season, as this season everything was very easy and not needed.
hi beckstar may i know 451v style and 451 flat actually any difference btw both of them ..?
May i ask abt issit when i play againts weaker team i use attaking formation , and play againts stronger team i use defending formation ...?
Today Um going to have this huge game, against the first on the table and he has a beast team compare to mine.
I was thinking a way to win the game or draw.
Use something like 4-1-4-1 DL, DC, DC, DR, DMC↓, MR↓, MC, MC, ML, ST. Defensive, both flanks, mix, force conter attacks, low, normal, sinal and off trap on
Please is this a good tactic against a strong team like this??
I would be very appreciated
4-1-4-1, yes here
Thanks for the advice
3dc-2dml/dmr-3mc-2st short pass? I never done that. I don't have the right players for this formation. Whoever try this tactics, tell me the result. Please. ^^
Team Mentality: Defensive
Focus Passing: Mixed
Pressing Style: Low (Own pitch)
Tackling Style: Normal
Passing Style: Mixed
Marking Style: Man-To-Man
KEY PLAYERS: DC with Defensive Wall Ability - MC playmaker - ST One on one scorer
was using 4-5-1 v but i was not happy. changed my formation to this, just wow :D anyway need to ask mate, i m gonna play against 4-3n-3n should i put reds my mr ml dl dr and change my passing style to the flanks? also if i can do that, can i do that changes against my all enemies who has no wings? thx btw :D
and offside trap man? thx for everything!
I suggest to play with 3dc 1dmc 2mc / 3dc 2dmc 1 mc / 3dc 2dmc 2mc/ 3dc 1dmc 3mc , anyhow is up to you but defend center and attack wings with aml/amr.
not gonna change my formation but some red arrows would use work right?
Hi need help against dl-D.C.-dr/dmc-dmc-dmc/mc/aml-amr-st thx
I found this old post and also think maybe I can share a new formation & tactic, non-ST formation:
Team Mentality: Normal / Defensive
Focus Passing: Mixed
Force Counter-Attacks: Yes
Pressing Style: High
Tackling Style: Hard
Passing Style: Mixed
Marking Style: Zonal
Offside trap: yes
KEY PLAYERS: MC & AMC with Playmaker Ability & Shodow Striker/Dribler AML&AMR.
I used this function for 2 seasons until now and just lost 4-5 matches, even oppo is high 10-20% to my team.
My DL/DR paralleled my DMC and used red arrow (sometime blue arrow, depends on oppo's AML/AMR or ML/MR)
My AML/AMR are in front of AMC and they are False 9.
Normally I will have 4-5 players in my midfield, incl AML & AMR.
This are lovely formation; how best can I win against formation 3151 AMC instead of st?
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