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Thread: My team does not perform despite its quality - Guide and advices by Khris

  1. #1
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Jun 2013

    My team does not perform despite its quality - Guide and advices by Khris

    -This is a translation of the Spanish guide I did. Maybe I will add some viewpoints.-

    Well, as we know since seasons ago, he server organizes the League draws according to the Av. Quality of the teams, so if before was happening, that teams with visual Quality ( understand visual quality, as the level of stars, numbers in skills) did not work, and some managers came to the forum searching for solutions, now, as we have leagues more close in quality terms this happen even more.

    We have to distinguish, as I always say, the visual quality, and the contribution that a player can do depending of his internal %'s of effectiveness.

    Let's remember that, Top Eleven is a game that allow us "to manage", and manage is not:
    -I buy a team of +1 of quality than the best team of my league and I win the title.
    -If I put A formation vs B I should win.


    We have to understand that the game, have limits. And every factor affects slightly in a % to the result.
    As I always say, affect, in lower of higher measure:
    -Victory bonus
    -Arrow red/blue/non
    -Mentality and orders in general
    -Do adequate substitutions
    -Attend and manage
    -Attend and recive the +8% possesion bonus + extra for friends..
    -Training bonuses

    These are too much "visual" things, that is information that everybody see first, -yes- but, the game was not made to give automatic results if one have more quality, was made to make one manage, make decisions, and decisions are made looking the contribution of every player, and the contribution will not depend of the visual quality, will depend of the internal programming of each player, that have internal skills with min/max. of effectiveness, too levels of agresivity, specific way to play, better %'s in free kicks, corners, or, maybe is more focussed in attack or defense... too if is active in the matches so we see it's name often, of, maybe don't appear one match and next yes...... (all these things, that are internal skills, are something indeterminate as I am not developer, but as player for me is something done that should be like this, and after 47 seaons I believe in this )

    So, the base, is not what we see in numbers, is what we see as proof of every player contribution.

    Thats why, when happen, that despite we bought a full 5* team, don't works, is because we forgot that this is he visual quality. But is not a guarantee of internal quality. A game working in that way, would be boring..
    Too this idea/philosophy reminds us, the words of Mourinho when game starts, when he say:
    "Money, does not guarantee success."

    And I say money does not guarantee the success but the intuition and know how to observe the correct things in Top Eleven, approach you to it.

    So, what to observe then? apart from doing the basic work, that we have to see too if is well done, the work before match, and during the match...

    Fundamental, the team's statistics page is crucial to consider. The numbers, goals scored, assistances, and Man of the Match are the best info', the most useful we can use.

    We have to think too in a important fact, that as a manager I always remember and is that, only 1 player, one of these called "key player" can win all alone the 70% of the league title.
    So, all, a title can be reality or not just for 1 men or 2? the answer is yes.

    La página de estadísticas me sirve a mi para tener en cuenta el aporte, y un jugador clave (que no se tienen o encuentran cada temporada), puede llegar a aportarte + de un gol por partido, digamos 1,5 de media, sea en forma de gol directo o, goles + asistencias.
    Entonces recomiendo, que si tenemos ST's, delanteros, busquemos que aporten algo cercano a 1 gol por partido, en forma de gol o asitencia.
    En MC's lo ideal es un aorte de 1 gol cada 2 partidos. No me sirve, a no ser que en los partidos en vivo, me aporte en defensa, el tener un MC, con 6* y 1 gol marcado en 15 partidos, es prescindible/reemplazable.

    Luego para el global del equipo es importante ver quien es el Jugador del partido. A nivel de defensa el dato sirve, pues señala quien destaca y a jugadores a tener en cuanta, y luego si que defensivamente hay que ver el aporte durante los partidos en vivo.
    Los mejores defensas, actúan en defensa, no son cada partido invisibles, su nombre aparece, y no pierden constantemente balones. Pueden incluso asistir, y marcar.

    Trabajo previo partido?
    Fundamental, hacer amistosos y encontrar un jugador para los corneres y otro para faltas. Podría decir que, en el 90% de las temporadas siempre encuentro un jugador que destaca, y obviamente, este trabajo, si se tiene en cuenta, y se logra hacer con éxito, salva muchos puntos. No hay que descartar ni al portero para las faltas, yo puse a Lehmann y era mejor, que mis jugadores con habilidad especial de faltas, que como todo, son habilidades que dan un % extra en efectividad, aplicada sobre la base de efectividad por defecto, y esto, no es garantía de nada. Puede que un portero sin habilidad especial tenga por defecto un buen porcentaje de acierto en faltas.

    Moral, y condición, obviamente deben ser correctos, además yo activo el bono por victoria.
    Tener los substitutos correctos y, pensar, en un par de tipos de ordenes para usar en el partido si las cosas no van bien, es importante.
    Yo por ejemplo, voy con mentalidad ofensiva + pase mixto, lo cual cambio por mentalidad muy defensiva + pase largo si, veo que la barra de posesión no esta muy a mi favor.

    Y.. en partidos en vivo?
    Lo mas importante, como siempre, es el aporte.
    Si en 50 minutos no vemos el nombre de un MC/ST, lo mejor es substituirlo. Lo mismo si falla constantemente, por ejemplo 3 veces o 4...
    Es interesante, también controlar la barra de posesión, como mencionaba antes, a veces si no está de nuestro lado, un cambio de ordenes o, por ejemplo, yo que juego un 4-3-1-2, moviendo un jugador y jugando en diamante o 4-3-3 + cambiando alguna orden, puedo muchas veces, apreciar un cambio en la tendencia de la posesión.

    Si notamos que un jugador es mas agresivo de lo normal, también deberíamos substituirlo a la que tenga una amarilla, pues en muchos casos podemos ver que en cierto partido un jugador es mas agresivo de lo normal, y acaba trayéndonos problemas al ser expulsado.

    Entonces, después de escribir esto, y para resumir, si tienes un buen equipo que no rinde, hecha un vistazo a lo que menciono.
    No hay que tener miedo a vender un jugador de 6* que no aporta, o 2, o 3. Lo mas normal del mundo es, que si las cosas no van bien, la solución sea vender los jugadores que menos aportan, y como consejo dejaré también que es interesante, al comprar jugadores, ver, el rendimiento que han dado con su anterior club.
    Perderéis menos tiempo, y tendréis mejores resultados, si, en vez de comprar jugadores con calidad pero a ciegas, miráis sus números, o incluso vais a negociaciones en vez de acudir al ojeador, ya que allí si, que hay datos útiles acerca de lo que puede aportar un jugador.



  2. #2
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    Top Eleven, is not a lineal game. With A +A = B, is a simulator that will create a scenario, this, will be one, if we attend, maube, will make our team stronger, with less waves and surprises, and if we attend, game will make us make decisions, with actions, agresivity, players don't existing even if have 7, 8 or maybe 9 stars.

    Too as I say, a 5* with good internal programming, can score 40 goals in a seaso.
    One with bad internal programming, exactly with same position, can be trained till 9 stars, and never will score 40 goals.
    Thats why I say that the external skills affect slightly to the internal base, and that the perception and see the correct stats is fundamental. + a player tend to play in lineal way (yea, this is lineal, yes) and a key playerr will keep the ratio if you keep his level, unless many seasons passed or, "maybe" if you added many new players to the team, so, the order of leadership inside the team, changed.

    This happen with the "best" player to pick free kicks/corners, that usually is one different per season, and always theres "a better" player that one have to found inside the team doing tests.

    Too every season theres one more aggresive or, one with more ratio of injury chances.
    Last edited by khris; 08-14-2016 at 02:26 PM.
    Al Svanberg and madflo19 like this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Uppsala, Sweden
    Thanks Khris!

    From the get go, I was a bit skeptical of this. I was thinking like this, why have a set of listed abilities that wasn't telling the whole truth and invisible abilities that decided the out-come of the game?

    First of all, in this guide you answer the "why" question, which is pretty crucial. Because that is how it is in real soccer too right. Some players just -- performs -- a lot more in relation to their visible ability than others. Its just very reasonable that a manager is awarded for spotting performers.

    Second of all, having only played a the game a little, my firm impression is also that some players just performs better than others. And I have also noticed that especially 18 y/o's seldom seem to be "super" performers. They can do great performers and you best performers, but veteran players seem to really be able to perform above their ability at times. I have not seen that in 18 y/o, but I could be wrong.

    My impression is not that a player can be a none-performer because of internal programming, more or less worthless. What do you guys think about that?

  4. #4
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    upup to remind me to translate it soon***