Counter attacks: on
And you are doomed
Never had problems playing against simmilar tactics to this one...
No midfield =lose
I'll set it with very defensive, lets see if the dmc and amc's help to cover the middle... then, counters, off to move the attack lines one step back... otherwise it will create a lot of space between the attack line and the defensive one in punctual moments....
I'll go posting, till find a good shape to make this formation work... and I will use a 2-1 defense despite that in the spanish forum Ive talked about a 1-2 but I only could find 1 dmc when I went to the market this morning... so, let's try
I'm a little bit tired of "normal" formations really xD
What about trying it differently...with 5D 2DM 2AMR/L 1S
(Mirror image) playing it def with low pressure and counterattacks...long passes
Nobody plays def tactics more or less so it should work
Anyhow gl with it hope it works...will post a screen if i play versus similar tactic this season
Im playing a 5-2-3 with my 2nd team, Girona FC, Ive finished 3rd winning the SL last season, just going to the market when season started and almost non attending, so, I need to try something inverse -as you say, mirror or so xD- thats why I wanna try with the 3rd account this one as experiment xD
It is part of a experimental season, I will let the team play all alone, just joining to do some subs before matches if needed and so, but I will play with this formation in this 3rd account, and the 5-2-3 in the 2nd, that won too today in cl with a similar avq team (+4%)
The idea is to prove that any formation can win titles with the right players/orders and that, the game will always give an option despite the formation. Only if exists a positional warning it penalizes.
Ive won titles with 1DC-4DM- 3ams-2sts.... with the girona, 5-2(mc central and left positioned)-3.... and now, I will try a this one, inverse comparing with the 5-2-3 because have a almost empty defense but, full attackers.... and, the best option to try these experiments seems to play very defensive, which groups all the lines next to the own area...
Let's see now
think too, that the defense have 2 lines, the MC 3 and the attack 2, so this allow these type of figures as formations.
won 2-1 in SL, a leader of....-20%? then, lost vs a active manager of +20% in league, he wasn't able to score tillthe 58 when he did 3 subs and scored 4 goals.
For a experimental team that did not recover condition and had no bonuses and me attending... Im really proud xD