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Thread: TRAINING - Share your drill sequences!

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    Before training please, always, test players to oversize the internal programming, so you dont waste resources in players that will have no developement.
    2 equal players, same age same all, STs one with 5* and the 2nd with 8*, the one 5* can score 40 goals, and the 8* cal score only 3 goals in a season cause the internal programming settings, so always, oversize the internal players programming by testing players, and if he's well programmed, then, invest resources on him.
    Will two identical players (fast trainer, that gives 223) play differently due to internal programming? I didn't know that, thanks.
    I am only 6 lvl and I do not have so many purchased FT. Therefore, I am training what I have.
    khris likes this.
    If the game "decided" that you will lose, you will lose.
    Sorry for the English. This is google translate.

  2. #22
    Famous Der_Ryan_M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AFKeel View Post
    Will two identical players (fast trainer, that gives 223) play differently due to internal programming? I didn't know that, thanks.
    I am only 6 lvl and I do not have so many purchased FT. Therefore, I am training what I have.
    I never do test them for their performance... If there is one bad player in a game, the others step up for him everytime for me. I have never had a particularly bad player. One season my AML is a bit better, another season my AMR might be through the roof. However I have never had players who were generally bad. Every player has a bad game here and there, it is the decision of the manager to react and maybe sub him in a game.
    Sillybq and V900885 like this.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2021
    Drill sequence for GK.

    TRAINING - Share your drill sequences!-gk160.jpg

    Here I tried to make all white skills equal. Aerial reach is deliberately made above and therefore there is a question. Does the goalkeeper have any key skills (like reflexes, agility, rushing out, punching, aerial reach) that are worth raising higher than other white skills?
    If the game "decided" that you will lose, you will lose.
    Sorry for the English. This is google translate.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    Is that still valid, and some drills are missing? Stop The Attacker, Carioca L. etc.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2021
    Hello,what is the best drills sequence for my fast trainer ST but who also has AMR role for max shooting and finishing ??? Because he has crossing and other skills as white - what is bad....

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by emil333333 View Post
    Hello,what is the best drills sequence for my fast trainer ST but who also has AMR role for max shooting and finishing ??? Because he has crossing and other skills as white - what is bad....
    I also wish to know more in details. Unfortunately, all I find here about training is out date, not much better using Google. Best and newest I could find when I started was these drills from September 2021 and if anyone has updates to this(if there was any), please share. Thank you.

    Attacking Drills: Shooting Technique, Wing Play, 1-On-1 Finishing
    Defensive Drills: Goalkeeper Training, Hold The Line,
    Physical Drills: Warm Up, Stretch, Sprint, Carioca With Ladders, Long Run, Gym

    Attacking Drills: NA
    Defensive Drills: Press The Play, Piggy In The Middle, Stop The Attacker, Defending Crosses, Video Analysis, Hold The Line
    Physical Drills: Warm Up, Stretch, Gym, Shuttle Runs, Hurdle Jumps

    Attacking Drills: NA
    Defensive Drills: Press The Play, Piggy In The Middle, Stop The Attacker, Defending Crosses, Video Analysis, Hold The Line
    Physical Drills: Warm Up, Stretch, Sprint, Carioca With Ladders, Long Run, Shuttle Runs, Hurdle Jumps

    Attacking Drills: Skill Drill
    Defensive Drills: Press The Play, Piggy In The Middle, Use Your Head, Stop The Attacker, Defending Crosses, Video Analysis, Hold The Line
    Physical Drills: Warm Up, Stretch, Gym, Shuttle Runs, Hurdle Jumps

    Attacking Drills: Pass Go & Shoot, Skill Drill, Slalom Dribble, 1-On-1 Finishing
    Defensive Drills: Press The Play, Piggy In The Middle, Use Your Head, Stop The Attacker, Video Analysis, Hold The Line
    Physical Drills: Stretch, Sprint, Long Run, Shuttle Runs, Hurdle Jumps

    Attacking Drills: Pass Go & Shoot, Fast Counter-Attack, Skill Drill, Slalom Dribble,
    Defensive Drills: Piggy In The Middle, Use Your Head, Video Analysis
    Physical Drills: Stretch, Sprint, Long Run

    Attacking Drills: Pass Go & Shoot, Fast Counter-Attack, Skill Drill, Shooting Technique, Slalom Dribble, Wing Play, 1-On-1 Finishing
    Defensive Drills: Use Your Head
    Physical Drills: Warm-Up, Sprint, Long Run

    Attacking Drills: Pass Go & Shoot, Fast Counter-Attack, Skill Drill, Shooting Technique, Slalom Dribble, Wing Play,
    Defensive Drills: Use Your Head,
    Physical Drills: Stretch, Sprint, Long Run

    Attacking Drills: Pass Go & Shoot, Fast Counter-Attack, Skill Drill, Shooting Technique, Slalom Dribble, Wing Play,
    Defensive Drills: Use Your Head, Video Analysis,
    Physical Drills: Stretch, Shuttle Run.

    P.S. "Hold The Line" is "On Line Of Defense", I suppose. It seems like name changed since then or maybe more than just names, cannot say for sure cuz I don't have it unlocked yet. Also bold drills are mentioned as drills which gives 100% output for that position.
    oguzkaganaslan likes this.

  7. #27
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Still open to share your drill sequences

    Feel free to ask or share interesting info.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2022
    Sorry for a stupid question, but I just found the forum and learned about white skills. How long does it take to improve a given player's white skill by 20%? At most, during a training session, I'm getting a 1% increase for anywhere between 1 and 3 skills. Is that normal? For example, positioning may go from 80% to 81% and shooting may go from 85% to 86%, which is a miniscule overall increase in the players abiilty.

  9. #29
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by SnakeDoctor View Post
    Sorry for a stupid question, but I just found the forum and learned about white skills. How long does it take to improve a given player's white skill by 20%? At most, during a training session, I'm getting a 1% increase for anywhere between 1 and 3 skills. Is that normal? For example, positioning may go from 80% to 81% and shooting may go from 85% to 86%, which is a miniscule overall increase in the players abiilty.
    Welcome to the forum,
    This basically depend on the player Age (age slabs 18-21 / 22-25 / 26-29 and 30+ each age slab have a reduction of the 15% of XP gaining aprox.
    and the 180% rule, so, this sets a cap for the skills you train, like if you use a drill affecting 2 skills the drill will give XP (%'s in the skills) untill the skills are 180x2 (180 for each skill affected in training, and too, a player can train faster or slower so you need to try a test vy training the special ability or a new position just to know if he is a fast trainer.

    I recommend you, before spend any resources in a particular player, to try a test vs a 1% team 10 levels lower, so this is to expose the internal programming of the player and know if he's worth training or if will be a waste of resources.

    Remember that white skills gain XP x2 compared with grey skills so the more white skills are impacted by drills, the faster the player will improve.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2022
    Sorry for the question but could you explain what you mean when you talk about "test players to oversize the internal programming"?

    I'm new to the game and decided to plough a load of resources into a ST and to be honest hes terrible! 19 league goals! His white stats are well over 200% in 3rd season.

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