nothing of value here really, just documenting every step of the club founded only for OMA 80T challenge. goal is to get as far as possible w/o buying T or farming resources
- club founded 04/03//2018 by Mr. Garrison.
-signed Mourinho player, 2t
-so, 18 players club started with:
-got 1t from sponsorship, plus 1t daily bonus, plus 5 for connecting to FB, raising total to 85 (87 - 2 for Mou player Austevik) plus some gifted resource
- this team has to last only two or three weeks, and without farming green, so it's time for some
Bosu, 6t
3 at one go
Oh, 7t
Higgins, 5t
Suppan, 1t
- bit later, Luskian, 7t
- closing the shopping at 59 tokens, at 1:45am with daily recommendation just hours away in mind... hopefully it will have a player for 59 or less, hopefully I'll get what I need - need AMC badly, I placed low Q MC on that position.
- in other news, started seat upgrade, made (free) home shirt and club shield
and two 34 yo players, K.Cahill and Eagan have left to early retirement