"Hi Nicolas from France. I ‘m Nik from Greece and I ‘m about your age (yes, we are both “old school players”).
I would like to say that I ‘ll not accept (for 2nd )time your invitation to add you as a friend.
I have no fence when 2 seasons before, in the Cup, you spotted my team and from qualifying rounds you were cheering for my opponents (anyway, I paid it back when you were played in the final with the guy who disqualified me in semi-finals and finally won the Cup). I don’t have any problem if you are a big token buyer or farmer. I ‘m too, but I ‘m a small one. I can buy only 1, not 10 agent/scout players per year. Ok, this game is for anyone. At the games of this season in Champions League, when I saw your team again, I believed we would meet somewhere at the end so I started to watch some of your games. If you understand this now, when I was watching your matches, I support your team because it was powerful and a 2% against you it was pointless. I ‘m really sorry that you lost in your semifinal (actually I found out how I would face your team in the final). If you want my advice, try to get involve with fast /power training. I know that you have the sources but I don’t know if you have the time.
The reason that I will not accept you as a friend is that your team is to powerful, we are the same level, we are in the same server, we ‘ve already met 2 times so it’s very possible to be at the same league next season. If you don’t know it, search the forum. I don’t want a difficult league (I believe you don’t want either). I not only like playing the game but also want to win trophies. I ‘ll have a difficult Champion’s league, I ‘ll have another “mission impossible” Cup” and I have some work with training so I rather prefer an easy league. If you ‘re watching the forum and you ‘re interesting, after few seasons, maybe we ‘ll meet at Khris or t11 competitions. – send me pm.
Hey Faqih from Zimbambwean, we played together in semi Champions League today. If you read above, for the same reasons I denied your invitation too. No fence guys, I invite you in my final, hope for some extra cheering for me.
For the same reason, I denied the “add friend” invitations for you who we were met in some (small) bidding wars. Nothing to do with the lost/win auctions, nothing to do if you ‘re muslim or from Vietnam –just you have good, wealthy teams, we are in the same level/server and it’s very possible to meet in the next league or CH.L.
To Erick from Panama, we’re playing in the same league. If you ‘re watching the forum : you find my facebook account and send me an add, but I will not accept it. No fence but it’s an account I made just for the game. Nothing interesting, few announcements of the game and some silly videos I have to share because of farming. I ‘m not a fan of f/b anyway. If you want something sent p/m.
Sorry if it was bothering to the rest of you my friends but that’s what I only thought to do.
Hey, if you have a good team and a guy with the same lv/server and good team send you add friend invitation what would you do ?
p.s. I didn't post any photos but today I decide to add one of mine in my profile. Just to be little less anonymous![]()