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Thread: Supersonic Ads Scamming players out of money and Tokens.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Supersonic Ads Scamming players out of money and Tokens.

    I completed an offer signup to tasty Bingo deposit 15 pounds and get tokens, I clicked the Link made a new account entered my card details and deposited 15 pounds as it said.

    nothing happened so I reported it and waited.

    5 days later they say they have rejected my claim due to insufficient evidence...
    I don't use my card online at all but for once I thought why not give it a crack.

    I find out that supersonic ads are notorious for data mining peoples details and not keeping to their side of the deal.

    I have provided the screenshots of the transactions and the link i used was through their app on top eleven I don't know what there is to dispute.

    I feel like some one has robbed me here. They literally don't care as long they are getting peoples details (probably to sell on to third parties) I can't say how angry I am that they just dismissed me and from what I have read lots of other people who legitimately complete offers with their own hard earned money.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Dear Lawrence,

    Please contact us via email with your ticket number and we'll be happy to investigate your complaint.


    Supersonic Customer Support team.

  3. #3
    Dreamer seanmeg's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Southampton, England
    Quote Originally Posted by Customer Support SSA View Post
    Dear Lawrence,

    Please contact us via email with your ticket number and we'll be happy to investigate your complaint.


    Supersonic Customer Support team.
    Why do you post this crap,you are not helping ,your Supersonic Customer Support team are not fit for purpose and this company do thieve/cheat forum members,you refute members evidence and to and fro this generic crap refusing to except that they have completed awards correctly when they have, but cannot screen print every step because of various faults and you know that their copy and paste evidence would and should suffice. stop the crap reply's and stop cheating members of their awards

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Lucknow, INDIA
    Quote Originally Posted by Customer Support SSA View Post
    Dear Lawrence,

    Please contact us via email with your ticket number and we'll be happy to investigate your complaint.


    Supersonic Customer Support team.
    @Customer Support SSA f*ck off......

    I am really wondering how you come you suddenly pop up when some one says any thing bad about you guys...Did you read what he said...He has already contacted you guys through E-Mail...Accept the fact that you guys are cheaters...Stop messing around...

    And to every one on the forum : Don't trust Super Sonic Ads...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Well as soon as this is resolved I think I won't be using the offers again. I supplied the "extra" evidence 3 days ago now and still nothing. I don't understand what the problem is why its taking so long.

  6. #6
    Dreamer seanmeg's Avatar
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    Southampton, England
    Quote Originally Posted by Lawrence Zelda Bentley View Post
    Well as soon as this is resolved I think I won't be using the offers again. I supplied the "extra" evidence 3 days ago now and still nothing. I don't understand what the problem is why its taking so long.
    Hope you get your award,but do'nt count on it. I was robbed of 283 Tokens and supplied email evidence from the company providing,15-20 emails and replys later still no award. Too many members are robbed so i advise all T11 users not to deal with this company. The one good thing is that i now have a healthy looking account with Paddy Power who have no blame,and i emailed and wrote to many companies who deal with SSA with every members complaint. Perhaps if SSA start losing business they will sit up listen and stop robbing users
    Last edited by seanmeg; 10-30-2014 at 12:24 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    I submitted two requests 5 days ago for offers I've completed. One offer was for 200 tokens and a second was for 594 tokens and i've heard absolutely nothing.

    To be fair, i have had plenty of offers complete through Supersonic, but i'm particularly determined to get this offer for 594 tokens approved considering the absolute nightmare i've had with the site

  8. #8
    Champion SuperDunk's Avatar
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    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Lawrence Zelda Bentley View Post
    I completed an offer signup to tasty Bingo deposit 15 pounds and get tokens, I clicked the Link made a new account entered my card details and deposited 15 pounds as it said.

    nothing happened so I reported it and waited.

    5 days later they say they have rejected my claim due to insufficient evidence...
    I don't use my card online at all but for once I thought why not give it a crack.

    I find out that supersonic ads are notorious for data mining peoples details and not keeping to their side of the deal.

    I have provided the screenshots of the transactions and the link i used was through their app on top eleven I don't know what there is to dispute.

    I feel like some one has robbed me here. They literally don't care as long they are getting peoples details (probably to sell on to third parties) I can't say how angry I am that they just dismissed me and from what I have read lots of other people who legitimately complete offers with their own hard earned money.
    Dont trust these offers...Simple way,buy tokens on TOP ELEVEN(OPTION BUY TOKENS)...

  9. #9
    Famous Qambu Yaasi's Avatar
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    Dec 2013
    Supersonic Ads used to be repliable. They are not now. Even if you complete your offer and send them an email (with screenshots) when you are not credited with the tokens, they would usually come back and tell you - We cant give you your tokens as your evidences are insufficient. There is nothing more we can do.

    I only trust SponsorPay and TapJoy. Both are very good even if your tokens are not credited immediately.
    Last edited by Qambu Yaasi; 11-11-2014 at 01:57 AM.
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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Well its been A really long time since they last contacted me. I supplied evidence and received the obligatory (5-7 days) Message. I will not give up on this. It cost me real cash to complete the offer and I deserve those tokens.

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