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Thread: Official join my association!

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    FC PREDATORS have 1 vacancy. Our tag is #7fl4iy (just seach using tag or name)

    We are a 7 star association and have 748 poinnts so have won another successive promotion to Silver Division 2, which means 10 tokens

    We are looking for anyone just 90% or over, maintains their bonus and able to able to attend matches. With our loans you will get to over 100% anyway

    We attend all matches, no mater what time lol

    We also use chat to help each other with tactics etc. and play friendlies to try out new formations.

    Apply before someone else takes the spot.


  2. #122
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Ukraine, Kyiv
    Hello, guys, I'll create new association. It's name is Purple Dragons(you can find it in the association search engine. There are 4 already created with the same name. My has the USA flag) and I invite every active player with any rating to join me. The main think is the character of a winner. If u have it -
    welcome and together from scratch, we'll achieve success and recognition step by step!

    what is needed:

    - high winrate(top 3 in the league at least);
    - good online(every day before each game at least);
    - sociability and English language skills;
    - willingness to try different tactical moves in association games;
    - the desire to make the team and association better.

    Good luck in your choice

    Attachment 71250
    Awe Imoleayo Peter likes this.

  3. #123
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Manager required

    Hello managers,
    We're recruiting managers for our association.
    Firstly about association.
    We're currently in Silver tier 3.
    And have already qualified for next tier i.e. silver two with 745 points.
    All the managers in aforementioned association is made up of dedicated active managers who all have 95% and better quality team.
    We put emphasis on attendance. Manager must attend atleast 3 matches every week.
    He/she must be an active manager. Must have a strong atleast 90+% team.
    We won't ask for wins. We expect dedication and efforts.
    If you're sincere and love winning be part of our association.
    Following are the details:
    Association name: Agni
    Current tier: Silver 3
    Code: #TWRL64
    Last edited by Amey29; 09-12-2016 at 05:12 PM. Reason: posted by mistake

  4. #124
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Join our Association

    We are looking for 1 player in our association.
    Klasicni postarji or #2D3QK7
    We got 880 points and headed to Silver division 2, 10 times winners, 3 times second and once third.
    We are looking for one active player that has around 100% team and watch our games regulary.. If u want to join please contact me here first so that i can kick the less active one out

  5. #125
    Famous Awe Imoleayo Peter's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Hey VWFA is currently recruiting for just one active, enthusiastic player to replace the inactive manager. Promises to be an interesting ride....promoting to silver 2 by next season. Thanks
    Bunzo and LeManiaque like this.

  6. #126
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Our association is looking for an active owner to join our drive to platinum division. We have 734 points and are getting promoted to Silver Division 2.

    Check us out:
    Association Name - Pride of Indonesia
    TAG - #KB4EKV

    Reply to this tread with your interest, and we'll clear a spot for you.

  7. #127
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Hello our association is looking for active Managers to join journey into platinum division. We have 607 points and are on Silver Division 2. (fresh Season)

    Check us out:
    I am the Captain of our Assocation and my Name is Bruce Waynee.

    Association Name - Football Syndicate Tag #69KDLY

    we are mostly 6-7 Star teams.

    Our Association Matches are sheduled for 21:00 cet. So European Players are Prefered. You should also have an ambition to reach platin devision
    There are 1-3 Spots Available.
    We are also helping eachother with formations and other tips.
    Last edited by ruFFa; 09-19-2016 at 12:38 AM.

  8. #128
    Rookie amorist hrid's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Lightbulb Join association

    friends, we are looking for 2 association members for our association that is in silver division 2 with 706 points...

    what we seek from the managers:
    1. be communicative,
    2. be active,
    3. engllish speaker,
    4. strong managers (preferably about 90% squad rating at least) and
    5. preferrably players within the time zone GMT +00 to GMT +9...

    what you will get here in our association:
    1. chace to prove yourself (through activity & presence) as we don't change our members too often unless it's a necessity
    2. help in regards to the game if needed
    3. advice on planning the team and formation
    4. loans to fill the weak points of your team
    5. bonus & training along with practice matches...

    we are still waiting...time is running out for another round of tournament...

    leave a reply with your facebook id name here and i would get back to you or you can also send a join request...

    hrid (football wizards)
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Official join my association!-association-view.jpg  
    Last edited by amorist hrid; 09-23-2016 at 06:30 AM. Reason: correction

  9. #129
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    The FA is SILVER DIVISION 2 - Beginning the season with 633 points. 3 members who show up for almost all matches and I am looking to fill the other 3 slots with like minded members. We are currently 5 members but am willing to kick 2 of the 5 who don't show/commit to the FA in order to have a team of 6 who all show up. The 3 main members have 6 star teams (100-110% at beginning of season) so I'd ask your team is at least 90%-100%.

    Most importantly we want that you actually train with members and train your own team. Win/Lose/Draw, as long as you prepare, show up and try, your place is in this team!

    Our FA matches are played at 22:00 BST.

    PM if interested.

  10. #130
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Join my association using #IL11UU
    We have won over 700 points as of now, come join us and help us break into the top 100 soon

    Looking for regular members with a team % of atleast 90
    English speaking association who love to discuss tactics and strategies and are always there to support members for their daily matches

    Only 1 spot left, hurry