Hey, I'm the leader of the asso BDL who's a 6 stars asso, we recruit teams with ~95% don't hesitate to join!!
Have a good day!
Hey, I'm the leader of the asso BDL who's a 6 stars asso, we recruit teams with ~95% don't hesitate to join!!
Have a good day!
A friend is looking for an active Association, because his current isn't it.
The association have to share bonuses and to loan player. He wants to use the whole possibilities of FA.
He trains every day, play as good as possible, but he didn't win that much trophies, because he has "bad luck". He is always in the same League and CL as my wife and me.
He isn't able to be there at every single game, because of his real life.
Here you can see his current stat:
Newly created Association for active and team-minded oriented players (nationality won't be a problem as long as you speak English), willing to put the effort and trying to achieve the top spots in Top Eleven Associations.
The goal is to be competitive next season and grow from there.
Start recruitment now so we can get a strong group together and practice for the upcoming games until the end of the current season.
Apply and let's fight to the Top!
Hi managers,
today I had to kick out one inactive manager from our association who did not meet our requirements. We are hiring the best manager to replace him.
Currently we are Bronze 2 with enough points (365 points) for promotion to Bronze 1 at the end of season. We have won 3 first places, 1 sec ond, 1 third place, 1 fourt place. Our ambition is clear and simple: to become platinum and keep receiving 100 tokens every month. If your ambitions is the same, do not hesitate to join. We prefer 95%+ but it is not necessary: we simply need active managers who work with their squads, train their players, visit the matches and work with the bonuses.
We play our home games at 11PM GMT+1.
Currently, we have one open position. If you are interested, look for the association called Night Attackers, #L2PNXY.
Reply to this post if you have any questions.
Hi, anyone want to join my assocation?
We are good. 5 x gold, 1x bronze.
I have a couple of members who are not active enough.
So if you are a:
1 very active member
2 active in chat
3 always train with eachother
4 almost always present if matches are played.
5 if you are there support all other members
6 in your normal league always by the best 4
7 dutch or english speaking
Then add my facebook, message me and then I check.
Hi, I am looking for one or two persons to join my Association, Cascadia's Finest Association. We would prefer Cascadian residents to join up, however we are willing to take Cascaidan club loving fans. Our main goal is to become a top association, so fa tournaments should be taken as the most important. Please consider joining! Please consider joining!
Your requirements mean anybody anybody who meets them is probably in a succesful association or doesnt have the to join yours.
Was tempted myself to join with my other account but might not have the time to watch every game and was tanking two seasons in a row so not a succesful team.
Goodluck finding members though it might be easier to join an already active association.
Well, my current assocation is too succesful to leave it. I only want new member(s) because I really like the teamplay, but three of my members are not active enough. Surely I dont dement my members to be there always, sometimes it just cant.
But with a little patience from my side I will get what I want![]()