Sorry I'm a bit tardy to the reply party. Got to say I originally made this thread in anger but have calmed down now (only took me two weeks as well, a new record). Basically, I'm over it.
Accyrover: Yeah I have all that in place already, a few weeks before I was trawling the forum and saw someone else suggest the same. A good number of them did work for me, but equally there were enough that didn't to infuriate me.
Greg, TokenAds: Thanks for the reply. You may notice that my smileys are now not so red-faced

While that explains why it did not happen, it is still a little annoying that I followed through on this in good faith and you welched. OK fair enough it is not on purpose by you or anything you can help, but when I have given evidence and you reply with this email - "We have investigated your complaint in detail with the advertiser, and we have found that the offers were not completed through our system. You may have completed them through another provider’s offer wall. If so, please contact the operating company which you have completed the offers through, in order to receive your credits. Thank you, The TokenAds team." - surely you can see how users will become infuriated? Anyway no worries, me and you are cool Greg.