Yes, this is known both on Scouts and Nordgens
Its quite funny, sadly I haven't tryed the playmaker striker or the shadow striker would like to, but I would never pay 69 Tokens to try the minimal effect of SA![]()
Groundhog Day visiting level - 58 -
considering quitting, since nothing is improved for veterans ... nothingand pay to win has become to dominante
FireCats is testing level - 36 -
I have seen a striker with defensive wall ability.
These randomly special ability generated players definitely needs improvement. The scout list for my account so far this season is full of players (defenders, wingbacks, midfielders, wingers) having penalty kick special ability. Not even one striker has a the one-on-one special ability, and not even one attacking midfielder has the shadow striker ability. Same thing for goalkeepers - full of penalty kick stoppers but no one-on-one stopper.
Does a DC having Playmaker SA work fine since I want to train my DC,DMC player that skill or maybe Defensive Wall. Any suggestions?
DMCs can be trained for this special ability. But, I don't recommend you to train for any special ability as it is relatively a waste of skills points; these skill points will make your player much better if you put them in the attributes area. A new position is also better than a special ability.
\o/ Another opportunity for me to stretch the Topic to let me post my favourite starting Team striker.
yeah yeah, its not SS but.....
*shouts "Tommo, Tommo, Tommo....."
PS. NordGens, Scout Market and Starting Teams can have these impossible SAs.
I was going through the transfer market just now looking for Nordgens as usual for this time of night.....
Came across this and am still scratching my head over it. It is not a fresh Nordgen but that doesn't rule out him being strange glitch of one when he first appeared. It seems hard to believe a player was able to make this happen.
Anyone seen something like this before? Any ideas as to what on earth it is about...... Always thought it make some sense to have a Ariel Attacking SA for a target man type ST but this trait would only work defending corners and long free kicks right? Is a ST ever even involved in that in T11? I only seem to remember defenders showing that in commentary. There definitely should not be any way to make this SA even for a multi position player much less a straight ST. LM/CM/RM would be as far forward this should ever be seen for a 3 position player..
Basically WTF?
It seems that many people here (and even some people at Nordeus) don't understand what a playmaker is. A playmaker is a player who has great vision, creativity and passing ability. These players are usually MCs and AMCs; there also deep-lying playmakers that can be classified as DMCs. Playmakers are responsible for ball distribution and breaking down the opponent's defense.
Wingbacks and pure strikers (no other position assigned) cannot be playmakers.
I have already said this quite a few times: the way these special ability players have been generated is not good. There are far too many players with the wrong special ability. Also, AMCs should be able to get the playmaker ability.
Last edited by Tactician; 07-23-2015 at 03:32 PM.