I thought a long time, if I should open this thread... but these days, it isn't fun to play against bot-teams or/and unwatched teams.
I don't talk about weaker teams, which win, where the opponent is there and managing!!
I don't want the post every single screenshot of the last few weeks, I just give handful examples:
1.) CL-Troll last season:
I lost to a 25% weaker team, opponent didn't watch both games. I beat the same opponent at league 5:0, 11:0. Both games, he watched.
The same guy lost CL-Final 12:1... he watched again.
Click for the stats of 1.leg
2.) Cup-games this season, against a 22% weaker team:
Both games, both teams had the exactly same formation, my team also same tactics.
1.leg, opponent didn't watch. My team is away (white), ended 3:3
2.leg, opponent watched. My team is home (black), ended 4:0
Such a difference between bot managing and human managing?
3.) It's not only me: This season, our chinese guy made only a 2:2 against a 30% weaker team, while his opponent didn't watch.
(I watched this game, because that guy is one of my rivals)
Chinese guy is home (black), ended 2:2
4.) Click: My wife lost against a bot team, while playing "much" better
5.) Road to the CL-title of my cousin - won against 2 stronger opponents without watching
1.leg Semi
2.leg Semi
6.) click: my cousin won while tanking, used illegal formation (80/20 possession)
7.) results, I saw in my league:
quote above: 25% difference (14.place is 25% weaker.)
I won on my own without watching against the chinese guy
Troll saves and dnag winning
8.) killroy
9.) several threads about that:
What happened here then ?
irrationality in this game will kill me
random results at FA
older: T11 2017 - unwatched teams better?
maybe not excatly that case, but it shows also that broken engine: Improving the statistics table
If you really want and need it, I post every single screenshot I made, but I think, this are enough examples. There are also a lot more post and threads about this issue.
So, Nordeus, what the hell is going on there? It isn't funny to play against bot-teams, you can't beat. It isn't funny, that the bot-teams get this high efficiency, while your own (star-) team suddenly sucks like hell.
Nordeus, you can't close your eyes to this facts, so